Recognizing that no one can anticipate all etiquette questions, it was decided to create our very own PRACTICAL Miss Manners. When I described what I wanted to do to a very good friend, she jumped at the chance. As a matter of fact, every time I spoke to her, she asked me if I was ready yet. Well, I think we are ready ...
I have known Morgan Mason for several years from the Outer Banks Revealed website. Morgan is a Realtor on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and she, along with her partner, J-P Peron, write a column on the Outer Banks realty market. If you ever met Morgan, you would see that she is a very classy person and clearly prescribed to the guidelines of etiquette.
So, you are thinking to yourself, "How does that qualify her to be "Miss Manners"?" Well. Maybe it doesn't, but this certainly does:
Prior to moving to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and becoming a realtor, Morgan spent 20 years in corporate executive search which included consulting on etiquette especially for new MBA grads without any training in this area. In addition, she had a separate consulting business that taught executives and their children practical etiquette.
Ok, so now that her credentials have been established, we like to put a bit of a spin on this. Instead of just signing your real name, although you can do that if you like, we would like you to get a little imaginative on what name you use to help describe the situation. You do not even have to use your real town, as long as it helps describe the situation. So, for example, perhaps you are training your children on table manners, but cannot seem to get a point across, maybe you can sign as "Flabbergasted in Florida", or maybe "Eating with Barbarians in Bar Harbor", or, well you get the idea. Note that we will try to keep this light, but Morgan will respond with a serious solution. So, don’t be shy and give our Miss Practical Etiquette a try at your etiquette questions.
Oh, and by the way, there is also a spot where you, the reader can also respond to the question or to add on to Ms Practical Etiquette' response!
To see the questions others have contributed, scroll down past the question input document.
Do you have an etiquette or manners question that you need help with? Ask it here and Miss Practical Manners will provide your a response ... practically speaking.
Below you will find questions from other visitors to Miss Practical Manners...
Confirmation gift
How much money should I give my neighbor's teenagage son at his Confirmation Party?
Attend HS graduation…Yes or no?
invited to attend my cousin's graduation. Cousin lives with his mother. Father is not invited. Is it rude for me to attend graduation?
tip jar
Grandson asking for tips for pouring wine at grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party
Acknowledging a 'Good Morning'.
Good Morning Miss Practical Manners,
My question is about speaking Good Morning at the work place. I am always here first and open shop. My office …
death of husband
should widows wear black
want best for son
My son often spends hours and hours with his girlfriend. He just graduated. She is in high school. I've asked him to be home for dinner. He's not doing …
What should you do with cake leftover, but made by the restaurant for your special occasion?
Four of us went away for my birthday to a lodge. My husband asked them to make a "torte" for me (unbeknownst to me). They made a flourless chocolate cake …
Never received a thank you for a gift, now asked to give another gift
We gave our friend's daughter money for a school trip she took several years ago. We never received any acknowledgment or thank you for the money. We have …
Graduation party for masters degree
My son is graduating with a masters, can I throw a party?
Corsages for my deceased husband's parents at my wedding.
I have been a widow for 7 years now. My husband died when we were 33. I have two children and I have tried to stay close with my in-laws. We have a …
gift for a master's degree at a restaurant that we are expected to pay for food and drink
We are invited to an open house for a master's degree at a restaurant where we are expected to pay for food and drinks. Do we need to bring a gift?
Dinner Party
I've been invited to a dinner party celebrating a college graduate, ,medical school graduate and wedding anniversary. What should I bring as a gift?
Multiple Events
both same time- daughters mother in law's funeral or granddaughters 17th birthday party?
Do I need to bring a gift to my wife's retirement party later this afternoon?
My wife is retiring from her practice and there is a retirement party for her at the hospital where she has worked. I have ordered 2 dozen beautiful roses …
Adult only reception
We are having a small but very elegant wedding and our venue has limited us to a small number of guests so the guest list has been tricky! One decision …
Visting the girlfriends family
My son is traveling Philly, to spend a long weekend with her family, what should he bring as a thank you for her mother? Flowers and candy?
Early Graduation Gift
My son was sent a graduation gift for high school graduation, however he doesnt graduate until next year. How does he respond?
No Boundaries
My wife and I attended a party recently and her boss asked us, off topic, if we ever had an open relationship. Aghast, I blurted out, "NO! NO!" My response …
What to give?
What do es one give a one year old for a baptism gift
funeral question
Is it necessary to send an acknowledgment card to each person who came to the visitation at a funeral?
Graduation gift for brother of my daughter's best friend?
We received a graduation announcement and invitation to an "open house" celebration from the brother of our daughter's best friend.
We are cordial …
Sons girlfriends parents
Meeting my son's girlfriend's parents for the first time. What gift should I bring?
Best way to respond to a greeting.
I have always been told when asked "How are you?" to respond "Well, thank you" But what happens when the other person says "well" when asked and then …
anniversary death
I have been invited to church to celebrate an anniversy of a one year death of my friends daughter. Can I gove money and a card
should fiances ex call his family aunt, uncle....
My fiances ex keeps referring to HIS family members as her grandpa, cousin, aunt, uncle...etc and she is remarried now. What would be apprpriate if any …
Graduation gift
My deceased son left me in charge of moneys for his daughter, she is graduating high school and I would like to give the money to her in a card how should …
announcing actual monetary amounts from scholarship for specific students during awards night
would like to know if it is proper for administration to announce the actual monetary amount awarded by universities and colleges during high school award …
Cancel Wedding RSVP
I accepted an invitation to a wedding (sit down dinner) and I find I must cancel. I am a friend of the groom's mother, but other than that, know no one, …
girl friends grand daughters graduation
I was invited to attend my girlfriend of one year grand daughters Graduation out of town.
Should I go? Her husband passed away 4 yes
Ago and she wants …
Graduation Party Invite
Received a Graduation Party Invite from an old office worker I haven't been in contact with for years. Have never met the daugther that is graduating. …
Private party for graduate
How should we include the Graduates fiancee, also a graduate, on the private party invitation from his family
unsolicited advice
My son insists that we, as his parents, are disrespecting him by not listening to his unsolicited advice. I disagree. I believe that he is disrespecting, …
registry wedding gifts
Do I have to give the bride and groom a gift from their registry? Everything is taken. I loathe the thought of donating to their "honeyfund."!
How can I make things up to my sister for not attending her graduation dinner?
My sister recently graduated with a Master's Degree in Nursing. I attended the ceremony and it was very nice. I was also invited to the dinner. After …
neices long time boyfriend graduating
Should I give him a gift or a card?
Graduation Dilemma
My boyfriend, of over 2 years, and I broke up on May 6, 2020; 2 weeks ago this Tuesday. His daughter is graduating high school on May 22nd. Should I send …
Mother and daughter works in a gym
Daughter is leaving June 1.....mother wants us to throw a good by party for her.... Not to mean we do not usually throw farewell party, how do we answer …
graduation gift for nephew when my sister spoke badly of me
My sister stopped speaking to me two years ago. The details are lengthy and childish on her behalf. Since then she has told our parents that I never …
It's right take my son to a vacation without his partner?
I want to take my daughter, 30 and my son,28 to a vacation because long time we dont do that and I finish my Divorce now, but I'd like to don't go with …
Baby gift for ex coworker?
So a co-worker of mine at a job I had last year is pregnant with her first child. We got a long great and have stayed in touch whenever I'm in town. I …
Should I get a birthday present for my granddaughters boyfriend ?
Miss Inquiry
If I am not invited to the wedding even though I am (or I thought I was) the MOB's best friend for many, many years, am I expected to provide a gift? I …
quitting my career
My boyfriend is of means I won't say he is filthy rich but he is very comfortable. i work and have always worked he is retired. He wants me to quit my …
party invitation etiquette
Is it appropriate to put "no pets please" on a party invitation
Should I feel obligated to attend because we are related?
My cousin is hosting a baby shower for her daughter in law this summer. My initial feeling was to not attend. I actually was shocked that I was invited …
Gifting the Graduate?
I received a college graduation announcement from my neighbors daughter. Do I owe a gift?
Graduation gift?
My good friend had her granddaughter send us a graduation announcement and I have only met the young lady once. What is the proper way to handle this, …
Wedding program question
How do you list a divorced man (my brother)and his two daughters on a wedding program? With commas or ands separating them?
Hurt by a friend
I was introduced to a gal who had no American friends in this country. I invited her into my tennis group; invited her to every social event I could think …
Engagement Party Etiquette
When a couple becomes engaged, who should give them an egangement party? Can they give themselves a party ?
Furniture vs Heavy Neighbor
I live in a condo and occasionally an overweight neighbor pops in. The problem is my barstools have a weight capacity that he greatly exceeds. How do …
announcements for 2nd wedding
My daughter just got married for the 2nd time. She and her husband want to send out announcements and include their web site where people can contribute …
gifts for speakers/performers
I am on a committee planning a tribute for our Rabbi, who is retiring. Entertainment is being provider by three women, one man, all from the congregation. …
Friend "shares" my food in restaurants
I have a friend who has a little more money than I do and she takes me out to eat once a week. Since it's such a kind gesture, I feel I can't complain …
Grandmother of the Bride to be on her fathers side.
I received an invitation to my granddaughters Bridal Shower. The invitation said the couple is not registered anywhere because they want cash money instead …
Hostess gift for ex husbands new wife
I am attending a wedding party for my son and his wife at my son's fathers' house. It is a gathering of my ex-husband's friends. I want to take a hostess …
Wedding RSVP
Dilemma: First let me start with- My boyfriend Sean has a cousin (Nathan) who he’s close with in person. They don’t really talk on the phone or hang. But …
Introduction of new boyfriend
I am a father of 2.
11 year old girl, 13 year old boy.
My sister-in-law has just let us know she's getting a divorce after 10 years, due to another …
high school graduation
Hi, I have been going with my girlfriend for 2 years and have met her family , aunts, uncles & cousins can I invite them
How should a widow act on a first date?
I've been a widow for nearly 4 years and am attempting to start dating (yikes!). I've not taken off my wedding ring since we got married, except when he …
Do I still have a mother in law
Ok I was made a widow a few years ago but I never know how to refer to my late husbands mother is she still my mother in law or not. Secondly I'm getting …
May a dinner guest invite more guests?
Our niece, who is in the Air Force and stationed in Las Vegas, called on a Friday to let us know that she and two colleagues were driving down to San Antonio …
How do parents sign a greeting card given to a son, daughter-in-law & grandkids?
Do you sign: Mom & Dad, your personal names, Grandma & Grandpa or
All of the above?
Bringing own Liquor to Dinner
If invited to a small dinner in someone's home, is it OK to bring your own liquor of choice? These people serve wine, but I'm not a wine drinker.
i want to personalize some note cards for my husband and myself
whose name goes first
ours would be Dr. Wilfred Raine
Mrs. Regina Raine
i thought …
Gift for Boss
My boss and I have a good working relationship and friendship. His daughter is about to give birth to a little boy and I would like to buy the baby a small …
Masters Graduation Notice to all for Poor Future Teacher?
My daughter is graduating with her masters in a month or so. We notified no one at all when she graduated college last year. Wanted to just send out …
early graduation parties
Is it ok to throw a party to celebrate a high school graduation one week before the actual graduation ceremony? It is so difficult to find a date after …
As a Mother, am I making a big deal about being the one who wants to take my daughter for her special occasion dresses.
I have primary custody of my 15 year old daughter since my ex husband and I divorced 10 years ago. we have 3 other older children who are young adults. …
Should a recently widowed sister pay as much for a family gift as her brothers and sisters and their wives
Should a recently widowed sister pay as much for a family gift as her brothers and sisters and their spouses?
Six months ago our sister lost her husband …
Taboo Conversation Topics: Money and Fake Invitations
Dear Miss Manners,
Ever since I married my spouse, one of our relatives has always found a way to insert into conversations with us how much money they …
Multi-tasking while talking on phone
I have a dear friend of many years with whom I attended nursing school. She and her family moved to another state twenty years ago but we have maintained …
Senior 1st date question
Uninvited guest
Invitation for four adult couples to dinner in a couple brings their teen age grandson to dinner.
sisters not envites to nephews wedding
I come from a large family. We have had our share of UPS and downs but me and my 2 sisters have always remained friends. My sisters husband and I don't …
double baptism
My brother and I have children who were born a few months apart, and we are having them baptized together. What is the etiquette for invitations? We …
Wearing white do's and dont's
When should we not where white clothing?
name for person you live with instead of marriage
I am 66 yrs. old and live with a man who is 69. When introducing him I should refer to him as? I don't like the title boyfriend at our age.
Med school graduation
What should I wear to my sons medical school graduation. It's at NYC in May . Pants with a Jacket or a dress.
Gift giving for son's girlfriend's daughter
My extended family gives Christmas gifts to my grandchildren but not my son's live-in girlfriend's daughter which creates an uncomfortable situation. Is …
when my aunt died 20 years ago, her daughter kindly gave me one of her mom's rings. we were very close and i was thrilled. now 20 years later, my cousin …
Smelly Roomates
How do you tell a new roomate that the smell and need to bathe more often and wash clothese more often. The smell is permeating through my house now, …
Hosting a girls night out for my soon to wed girlfriend
I'm hosting a girls night out(bridal party) for a dear girlfriend, the number of women keep I obligated to pick up the tab?
Baptism Gift?
When attending a baptismal is a gift necessary?
short skirt
I work in a lawfirm with female partners. I just saw the back view of her skirt and the slit is so high up that I can see the panty part of her hose. …
When my boyfriend meets my dad at dinner for the first time, who should get the check?
When my boyfriend meets my dad at dinner for the first time, who should get the check?
I have been dating my boyfriend for about 7 months, and he will …
Graduation announcements
How should graduation announcements be worded (or wedding invitations, for that matter) when one of the parents has died?
Son and girlfriend birthday gifts
If my son and his girlfriend live together, should I give them the same amount for each of their birthdays?
Entering a blog about meeting son's girlfriend's mother for her birthday?
Have been asked to enter a blog/email about son's girlfriends mother. It's her birthday, & daughter is going to surprise her with comments and emails …
Do you bring a gift to an engagement party?
Do you bring a gift to an engagement party? I am unable to attend the party, should I send a gift ahead of time?
Gift trade-in
I recently received a gently used IPad 1st Gen. from a church member (I am a pastor). She said she could not use it and thought I might be able to. I …
step mother or father's wife?
My father has remarried and my mother has passed away. I am married and am wondering is his new wife considered my step mother or is it okay to refer to …
mother of the groom
2sons getting married within 6 weeks of each other I would like to have one wedding shower honoring both bride to be
Divorced parents
My husbands parents got divorced and remarried when he and his sister were 16 and 17. His mom has been remarried for 27 years and is very upset that her …
New girlfriends niece gift?
I am meeting my new girlfriends niece for the first time tonight at her first communion's dinner party. Should I get her some kind of gift/card?
Baby shower attendance
I'm hosting a baby shower for my strop daughter. When I asked her for a list of names to invite, I noticed that several people on the list had already …
Do I take a gift?
My boyfriend and I have been going out for about a month. He has invited me to go to his Sisters family birthday dinner. I know he is buying her a gift. …
Med School Graduation
Our son graduates this May from Medical School. He doesn't have a penny to his name, and has invited most of the extended family to the ceremony. We want …
My future mother in law's wants to invite her boyfriend's adult children to our wedding. We are on a budget. Can you let me know what to do.
Thank you …
9 year old grand daughter baptism in church
Do we as grandparents give a gift if so what kind of gift would I give,
How to ask for a gift...
I am going to be graduating from college soon. That same week is going to be my birthday. I am having a small get together after the ceremony and inviting …
Boyfriends ex-wife
My boyfriends ex wife has invited us to their daughters 6th birthday party. I wouldn't feel right showing up empty handed. What is an appropriate hostess …
do we gift dad, who is 78, 3rd marriage, a wedding gift??
my father in law is marrying his 3rd wife. he is 78 years old. we do not support his decision but that may or may not be relevant. do we get them a gift …
step mother
What is appropriate for the step mother to wear to her step daughters wedding? Her mother is still alive,Ido not expect to play a part in this wedding,but …
When is birthday gift appropriate?
I am meeting my sons girlfriend and her mother for the first time. The girlfriend has invited me to join her and her mother for lunch to celebrate her …
Iam attending an event and the dress code reads "cocktail". For a man what does that mean?
Donating to scholarship fund
Our daughter received a financial scholarship to participate in an orchestra. The organization is having a gala and the tickets are over $250 each. The …
Hi ! Hello !!
It is understood that its good manners to always open the door for a lady. While the door swings outwards, there is no problem but in …
Gift from divorced father who is giving the daughter away
Father and mother are divorced, but daughter wants him to give her away. He purchased two engraved wine glasses as a gift to the couple, but is this a …
Restaurant Choice
My husbands boss invited him to dine at a restaurant that my husband and I go to every year on our anniversary. I feel like my husband should suggest another …
gift giving timetable.
You are unable to attend a baby shower. How log do you have to send a gift?
wife and i went to a restaurant the other day. man who sold me my furnace was eating. we exchanged pleasantries. upon finishing his meal he left. when …
step children n step parent family
I was trying to find out if it normal for my step daughter to date one of my cousins nephews? I am confused and getting no where. Can you help?
Gift Amount
How much is the proper amount for a christening gift ?? Nephews baby. Thanks
I have been living with my common law spouse for seven years. We both have children from our previous relationships. When we send out cards we include …
not invite someone who expects to be invited
I do not want to invite my uncle's live in girlfriend 25+ years- she is obnoxious-and no one likes her or wants to be seated at the same table with her …
death of married son
I know my married son is dying of cancer. He has a wonderful wife and mother of six of my grandchildren. However she is very controlling of my son's …
jewelry at funeral
My mother just passed away leaving me her pearl necklace. Would it be appropriate to wear them at the service
Christmas gifts
My ex has remarried and had two additional children with her new husband. When I buy a Christmas gift for my child, must I buy gifts for her new children(my …
My ex-husbands best friend invited our 15yr old daughter to join their family on their spring break vacation, who pays for what?
Miss Manners,
My ex-husbands best friend sent me a text inviting our 15yr old daughter to join their family for their spring break vacation this April …
Corsage Baby Shower
I am planning a coed baby shower with a circus theme for the baby boy! Do I provide a corsage for mom and dad-to-be as well as both grandparents-to-be? …
Christmas card from my ex's family members
I believe my ex's family members don't know we were divorced in Aug 2013 after 29 years of marriage. It was a nasty divorced because he married …
gift giving to the ex???
I have lived with my boyfriend now for almost 5 years .. he has given his ex a Christmas gift every year, along with birthday cards and gifts without telling …
Graduation gift?
When my daughter graduated last year she was given a $500 check from my sister. This is an unusually large amount of money for my extended family. Am I …
Excessive Gift from Co-worker
I received a Christmas card with two $50 gift cards from the wife of a co-worker. The co-workers wife signed one gift card from the co-worker and the …
Step Mom
My step daughter whom is 21 has a boyfriend whom is disrespectful toward me. Last year he gave me a card and my husband a very nice gift. Should my husband …
Christmas Gift Giving
My husband and I have been married for 20 years and I have a son from a pervious marriage, he's now 23. So that being said my husband has been with my …
Brother in laws GIrlfriend
My brother in law is bringing his girlfriend of less than 2 months to Christmas with the family this year. What is an appropriate gift to give her? I don't …
birthday gifts
Do you buy a birthday gift for your son's girlfriend of 2yrs?
sending a Christmas card to my wonderful ex in laws
I have always sent my ex mother in law and father in law Christmas cards. This will be the first year Mr Doyle is not with us. I have put off the sending …
Saddened in Seattle
Dear Miss Practica Manners;
My mother-in-law just passed away last week. I have not gotten my Christmas cards out to her and my father-in-law yet. In …
Sons' girlfriends
My sons both have girlfriends this christmas should I as the boys mother buy the girls gifts from me and my husband?
How to address an envelope
My nephew lives with his girlfriend. They have a do I address a card to them?
Frustrated daughter-in-law
When my husband and I married, we agreed to spend thanksgiving with his family and Christmas with my family. We actually exchanged gifts with his family …
Give BFs daughters gifts?
Is it appropriate to give my boyfriend I have known via email just over a year and we live in different states his daughters that are a grown and I haven't …
Son's serious girlfriend
My son wants me to meet his girl friend's parents.
Should I host a dinner or should I go to their house for dinner?
If a person lets others know that they are taking a job in another state, who is the one that calls about the day leaving? The person who wants to know …
Graduation Gift
My husband's daughter is finally graduating from college at 28! Anyway, how do I ask her mother if she would like to give a party with us?
How do I address a card to our daughter and son in law
I want to send a Christmas card to my/our daughter and her husband. We have a wonderful relationship with our son inlaw but he doesn't call us mom and …
funeral etiquette
If a funeral announcement says the family requests a donation to a charity be made in lieu of flowers, is there a way for the family to see who made a …
Being asked (but not invited) to a clients Christmas party.
We are a subcontractor in the Construction business and times are tough. We were recently sent an email asking our company to make a donation to a General …
How do you address an envelope for a woman whose husband has died?
ex baby mother
Is it appropiate for your husband's father to invite my husband's ex-girlfriend who is his first son's mother to his grandmother's birthday dinner.
Unsure gift
My partner and I went our separate ways after 8 years. This happened 6 weeks ago.
Received a birthday card scratch lotto ticket in mail from his grandmother …
Are step children to be included in all extended functions?
I'm a 42 y/o mother of a 9 y/o daughter. My biological brother is remarried now one year and has one biological son and two step sons. My daughter does …
Senior deceased..who gets the ring
I was very close with a woman, she was like a second mom to me. She had always wanted a ring and I bought her one. She lived in poverty. She also lived …
father & Mother
The parents of my daughters future fiance'have invited my wife and I and our Grandchildren to a country club for Thanksgiving diner. They are both in their …
Thanksgiving Invitations
Our daughter Oldiest is hosting Thanksgiving holiday dinner( her natural mother will also attend.
She mails out A Thanksgiving card addressed to her …
Can I invite an ex coworker to company party
Can I invite an ex coworker to company party?
A co worker of mine would like to invite an ex coworker to our company xmas party.
The ex-coworker was …
Gift for hostess?
I have been invited to Thanksgiving dinner.
Should I bring a gift for the hostess?
If so, what would be appropriate?
Do I have to call or wait for people to call me when I am visiting another town??
I have a friend who just arrive from overseas. My friend's sister always thinks that every friend has to call the visiting sister to say HI. But I insist …
invited to wedding anniversary party
Am I expected to take a gift?
Is this the proper way for introductions?
Hello, and thank you for taking my question.
My name is Evander, and I am sixteen years of age. I was raised in a very formal family, and recently began …
Do I get everyone an individual gift?
I just started getting very serious with this guy in august. We both have children from previous marriages. Christmas is coming up and I fully plan on …
Inviting someone you have never met to family dinner?
My daughter has a new boyfriend and my husband and I have only met him once. Our daughter thinks his daughter should be present at our Thanksgiving dinner. …
X mas gift.
I would love to know if its appropriate to give my boyfriend daughters a X mas gift I just met them 4 weeks ago and by the way two of them 22 and 15 year …
Last Minute Lunch Cancellations
A friend has cancelled our lunch date twice in a row. One was cancelled within an hour of our set time and the other, a day head. What is protocol in this …
Signing the card for gifts to my boyfriend's daughter
I was wondering what the etiquette would be to sign my name on the gifts that my boyfriend and I are sending his daughter?
He has been divorced …
sympathy card
I have a girlfriend (which is married) and her father has passed away. How do I address the envelope for my sympathy card?I did not know the deceased very …
Is it polite for my step-mother to invite my ex-husband to our family events at my father and step-mothers house? We all have to drive several hours to …
Christmas Gift for Son's Girlfriend
What is appropriate for gift giving your son's girlfriend of less than a year? He is talking of proposing this Christmas, and we have decided to do monetary …
How to include deceased mothers name on baby shower invitation
I'm hosting a baby shower for my daughter-in-law, it is their 1st child. Unfortunately, Stacie (D-I-L) lost her mom this past Oct. It would be both, our …
Graduation party dilemma - ex step daughters
I am dating a man who was previously married. She had 2 daughters from a previous relationship, plus a son with my boyfriend. They were together for …
wedding ring for bride
How much salary percent is bride wedding ring suppose to cost?
not offered dessert
I was at my son's house the other day and my daughter-in-law offered her husband dessert and then ate the last piece herself without offering any to me. …
My father just passed away, I didn't have a relationship with him for the last few years
My mother said I wasn't invited to the wake or the funeral. Can I still go? I have 5 sisters and only 2 speak with me. I am grieving the loss of my …
Donations instead of gifts?!?
We are having a reception for my husbands parents 50th wedding anniversary in a few months. They lost their only other child, Susan, a little less than …
Do we include all grandchildren in the gift?
My husband and I would like to give our mothers a grandmother's necklace for Christmas. I have three children from a former marriage and we have one together. …
Appropriate Thanksgiving dinner invitees
I'm seeking an opinion on whether it is appropriate for my sister to ask me to invite her daughter's boyfriend's parents to the family thanksgiving …
Thank you note
When invited to a friend's home for a big party, would you write a thank you note as you typically would when invited to their home for dinner?
Is it proper for my husband's ex wife to invite us to her home?
My husband has two adult children with his ex. They have been divorced 15 years. She had an affair and married new hubby right after divorce. We have …
Baffled butterfly
If you are meeting your boyfriends parents for the first time At a restaurant do you need to bring a gift?
who to dance with
I am attending a dance with a boy that asked me. Is it appropriate to dance with another boy that has an interest in me that my date knows about?
Boss's son's wedding
Invited to company owners sons wedding. Evening outdoor event. Many business and local political figures will be there. Yet relaxed down to earth hosts …
No Thank You note yet for wedding gift ...
I attended a wedding on 4/6/13 and as of today's date - 10/1/13 - we have not yet received a thank you note.
We were invited to the wedding because …
Proper RSVP
I was invited to a wedding prior to people knowing about my divorce. The envelope is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. but I have a girlfriend. What is the …
Furniture/Appliance Deliveries
Should I tip when furniture/appliances are delivered to my home?
What should my son give my ex-sister-in-law as a wedding gift?
My 13 year old son has been invited to his Godmothers wedding. That is fine, however, she is my ex-sister-in-law. What would be an appropriate gift for …
step grandson
My son married a girl and she has a son, they just had a baby and I am coming into some money. I wanted to put 1000 in a savings account for him but my …
Giving your back to someone in a group.
In a group gathering with several friends, some are across the table the others are to my right. I am at the end & the one to my right is totally giving …
What to do with napkin after the meal
After a meal. I am unsure of how to handle the used napkin. Does one leave it on the table or chair , folded or slightly crumpled? What is the correct …
who to invite to co worker party
I want to invite people from work but I want only my co-workers and no kids. How do I word that in an invitation
baby shower for unwed mother
Is it proper for the friend of the mother of a 22 yr old unwed mother to throw a baby shower
Reference to oneself
There is a student who--when calling my office--will refer to himself as Mister.
Telephone rings)
ME:Good morning, Department …
bridal shower
If you are invited to a bridal shower but can't go are you supposed to send a gift? Or just take one to the wedding?
My husband and I will be traveling in the south in the fall. My mother who is now deceased was from the south. My question is, do people who live in …
Gift for bride
Does girlfriend of father of bride give a gift?
Response for family functions
Every year because my husband and I have the room to accommodate our large family, we host Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a large summer party. Very …
Meeting Grandniece's Boyfriend's Parents
I got an email from my grandniece asking if I was
available to meet her boyfriend's parents but she
did not know the time and was to get back to me. …
What is the proper way to thank someone for hosting a baby shower?
My sister-in-law and mother-in-law are throwing a baby shower for me. What is the proper way for me to thank them for hosting this event?
High School & College Graduation
We have a child graduating from High School this year and a child graduating from College this year as well. The high school graduate has struggled throughout …
Completely ignored
I have been in a relationship and living with my fiancé for the past 5 years. During that time I have repeatedly tried to have a relationship with his …
Hostess gifts
We have a group of friends that get together often for dinner and cards. Dinner is usually " bring your own meat to BBQ" the play cards. Are hostess gifts …
Moving announcement cards
My family and I moved into our new house almost 4 months ago . Is it too late to send out a 'weve moved ' change of address card to family and friends …
Notice of wedding of 55yr old cou
Received notice of the marriage of 2nd cousin,they are mid to late fifties. Is it proper to send gift.
Stationary/notecard etiquette
When writing a thank-you note on a folded style
note card, top side has a thin colored border and in same color, in small script, the name of the card …
I love my grandchildren and give them several gifts. My daughter has 3 kids by different men and still has relations with a different man. I don't feel …
Wedding Invite
I have been invited to the wedding of the neighbor across the street. We are casual friends...exercise, walk together. Her step daughter (who I have …
what if anything should I give as birthday gift?
I've been invited by my fiancée to meet his sisters & brother for a birthday luncheon...I've not met them before because they live out of town...I like …
shower party
is it okay to used a wedding wrapper for a shower party?
Baptism gift
as grandparents, how much money do we give our grandchildren for their baptism gift?
Accepting money
A close family friend is super generous, and anytime we are together, she insists upon paying for the meal, activity, transportation, etc. Growing up, …
wedding hotels and weddings gift
If we are doing a out of town wedding should we pay for our families hotel???
Also how do we say that we dont need any gifts but then can do cash or …
Godfather at a Loss for Words
My goddaughter just got engaged and I want to say something meaningful to her on a card to accompany a gift of pearl earrings that I hope she will wear …
Money gift
How much money is proper to give granddaughter for her first birthday it is going into a colleges fund?
Mom of pregnant daughter.
I went on disability retirement 10 years ago and lost contact with many of my friends from work due to illness. I recently (in past 3 or 4 months) reunited …
grandfather's birth announcement
Grandfather of his newborn granddaughter, Lucy, would like to put flowers in the church in her honor. Grandmother died several years ago. Grandfather has …
Boyfriend's daughters
Is it proper to bring a gift when meeting boyfriends grown daughters for the first time?
Graduation gift giving
When invited to a single graduation party held to honor two high school graduates, is the invited party obliged to give a gift to both graduates even though …
How do I refer to my brother-n-law's wife? (eg sister-in-law)?
Saying no to neighbors
I own a vacation rental property. Neighbors relatives wanted to rent last summer. I charged half price because the week was open anyway, and I could …
Etiquette on timely thank you notes for shower & wedding gifts
Is there a definette time limit as to when thank you cards should be sent after the shower & wedding, other than ASAP? Just wondering if I should start …
I am going to a combined baby baptism for my grandson and his twin cousins who are not related to me. Do I have to give a gift to his cousins?
nomination for membership
What is the proper salutation for a committee comprising both men and women?
houseguests activities
When you attend events with out of state guests, should you pay for the activity? i.e. museum, concert...etc
How much money is the right amount
My cousin with whom I don't see very often is having a party for her son who is going to medical school. What is an appropriate monetary gift to give? …
proper ways to show interest
I recently went on a first meeting with a gentleman, in which I thought went well. Conversation and company was good.
After meeting I texted him …
Should I invite my boss to my department BBQ?
Hello. I work in a department with about 30 employees. More than half the employees work directly for me. I am trying to help build employee morale …
wedding invitations
On the invitation, does the bride's name always appear first
First time meeting daughters boyfriend
My husband and I are divorced by his mothers doing and choice! Today my adult daughter brought her very first serious boyfriend to meet each of us. I was …
Birthday Party
I have a 2 yr old who was invited to a 6 yr olds family member bowling partyMy son doesn't bowl an I'd only be chasing him around the place What should …
step dad wants to give back ring given to step daughter at wedding
At my wedding to her step dad he gave her a ring to promise to always take care of her just like her mother for the rest of her life. She was only four …
Wedding invite
We are deciding to have a very intimate wedding...a ceremony and dinner for 45 at a lovely restaurant. Am I obliged to invite those who have invited me …
Should I attend my boyfriends 1st grandchild baptism
I have been dating a great guy for 7 months and we are in a serious relationship and our children from both sides all get along and accept one another …
Standing when a woman excuses herself from the dinner table
Many of the old 1940's movies show the men rising from their chairs at a dinner table when a woman asks to be excused.
My questions are, when approximately …
meeting parents of son's girlfriend
Do I take a gift to meet parents of son's girlfriend? We are meeting in a restaurant for dinner.
Which set of parents are suppose to ask the other set of parents to dinner first?
Which set of parents are suppose to ask the other set of parents to dinner first? The boyfriends or girlfriends?
Ms or Mrs husband deceased
My husband is deceased should I be addressed still as Mrs. or am I now just Ms. Should my wedding rings be moved to my right hand?
Acknowledge An Anniversary That Might Have Been
My ex and I had a "friendly" divorce after 27 years of marriage. I remarried 14 years later and am very happy. My wife and I try to include both of our …
Bridal Shower
Should the card be made to both Bride and Groom?
Birthday party ettiquette
I have a friend who every year gives herself an expensive birthday party at a restaurant and she expects each person to pay for himself. If she is hosting …
Asking someone that lives out of town to be a godfather
Should we plan the christening based on a date that is convient for us or convient foe the godfather since he lives far away and needs to travel by plane? …
Do we include ex spouses in anniversary announcement?
My parents are celebrating a Big wedding anniversary. An announcement is going in the paper but...a couple of my siblings are divorced. Should their ex's …
Funeral question
My father-in-law recently passed away in another city. While there for the funeral, we heard from a handful of people by email and only very few …
meeting son's girlfriends parents for first time
We are meeting at dinner. Who pays?
second baby
Am I obligated to buy a baby gift for my cousin's second baby? She had another boy.
church secty
Our church is having a banquet to celebrate the church anniversary. We are having a guest preacher; his ticket complimentary. Who pays for his wife's ticket-he …
two graduates
My daughter graduated from college, but will be going on for her masters. Do we have a party to celebrate her college graduation?
Graduation Gift
Our neighbor, (who we've been with twice,) but enjoy talking to when we're outdoors, sent us a graduation invite for their son's graduation party. We …
Thank You Cards
Is it necessary to acknowledge all get-well cards with a thank you card? Also are e-mail thank you's acceptable?
Multiple celebrations,one party ?
We need to have an open house, 1st birthday and 10th birthday celebration this summer. I want to have one big party because summer in Maine is so short …
New Home
My son is Military, just got to his first duty station which is also his first "home". Married just over a year with a new baby, his wife will be relocating …
Proper placement of mothers corsage
Where do you place the corsage on the mother of the bride? I was raised that it should be the flowers hanging down and the stems up toward the shoulder. …
wedding ettiquette
do you send a thank you note after attending a wedding and reception?
Hostile hostess help
My mother in law never calls the house to invite me to family functions, She calls my husband and invites him. He says I am invited too, but in 25 yrs …
Two party invitations on the same day.
I received two invitations for the same day with different start times. One invitations if for a bridal shower 12:30pm -3:30pm and the other is a baby …
Military Retirement
Is it proper etiquette to bring a gift for a military retirement? My best friend's husband is retiring from the marines (he's a Colonel) after 30 years. …
50th wedding anniversary party (22 guests in restaurant)
We plan to host and pay for our 50th anniversary party and would like to know if we have to be there at the restaurant first and also have to stay until …
Proper To Invite Divorced Neice To Christening
My sisters son was recently divorced a few months ago after an 8 year marriage. My daughter was friendly with our nephews wife, and had invited both my …
Should father of groom's girlfriend have corsage?
I am the father of the groom's girlfriend. The groom's mother is deceased. His father is wondering if it is proper for me to have corsage at …
graduate gift
My niece's graduate from college and my nephew graduate for high school and my nephew is now 18years of age before he turn 18 he has said very very mean …
Death in the Family
We've RSVP'd for my husband and me to attend a formal wedding out of town in Dallas, Tx this weekend, The bride is a high school classmate of our oldest …
Fathers Day
I have debated this for a long time and am curious what is the proper answer. My father always considers himself as the king default when it comes to respect. …
couples bridal shower
When attending a wedding shower for couples should you increase the amount spent on the gift, because 2 people are attending?
Family Company
I've always heard that like fish, company begins to smell at 3 days ,etc. I would like advice on my wife's wishes to have family over for a month..seems …
Sister relationship some jealousy
I will be 75yrs old next week. My sister is my only living relative, who lives 20miles from me. My sister feels that I do not need a special invitation …
who pays
We are meeting our sons soon to be inlaws for the first time. Who pays for lunch?
cocktail party
Is it appropriate to bring a hostess gift to a cocktail party?
Who should pay for the airplane ticket?
I want to invite a special friend to come to my friend's son's wedding with me but he would have to get on a plane to do so. Should I offer to pay for …
Attending wedding reception as a date--do I bring a gift?
A guy I've been dating for two weeks asked me to his sister's wedding reception. I've never met her. Should I bring a card or gift or just attend as …
Permanent housequests and invitations.
A dear friend has moved her sister into her home. This friend expects that her sister be included in all invitations that she is extended. The sister …
long/short dresses
for a 7:30 small wedding does the MOH and BM need to wear long dresses? If they wear short could the mother of bride and groom wear short?
groom doesn …
Hanging up the phone
I was wondering what you do in a situation when somebody hangs the phone up on you while you are still talking. Which approach should you make towards …
No formal invite to wedding
Our daughter in laws brother is getting married, we assumed we would be invited and the wedding is being paid for by our DIL's parents. My DIL sent me …
Declining an invitation
Dan and Matt are in their early 20's and live at their respective homes because they have high-functioning autism. They each have very circumscribed interests---Dan …
Wedding Question
my sister is divorced and her son is getting married on the west coast where his father also lives. the family(4 members) are traveling from the east coast …
Coworker Grandfather Birthday
i've been invited to a co-worker's grandfather's birthday party. Is a gift required? What would be an appropriate gift?
Regarding rehearsal dinner & reception
My boyfriend's ex stepson is getting married & his name is on invitation as the father. He helped raise them & never adopted them. Since he is listed …
Proper way to serve entrée and later remove plate when finished-- i.e. ? serve from the left and remove from the right?
High school graduation
Is it appropriate for the ex wife to invite her ex husbands family to dinner when her son hasn't even been to her house in two years? I'm the upset step …
Graduation gift for niece only or for boyfriend, too?
My niece just graduated college. I want to send her a check just as I did for her brother, my nephew, when he graduated several years ago.
Her boyfriend …
Non-invitation to friend's retirement party
My best friend is retiring at the end of this month. We worked at the same agency but at different locations. Her current co-workers would not know me. …
Should my ex have brought his girlfriend to our twins communion?
My ex and I have been broken-up for 2 years. He has been dating a girl he says he loves for 1.5 years. His family came for our twin sons first communion. …
sticky wicked
What is proper when son's girlfriend's mom is giving a baby shower and you aren't particularly close to the mom to be?
I was going to give her a shower …
Sister In Law's Wedding, husband and I separated. Should I go?
My husband and I recently separated (less than a week ago). His sister's wedding is this weekend. We where both invited over 6 months ago. I initiated …
How do I get introduced in wedding party?
I am the mother of the bride whom is going to do her wedding for her. My question is how do I get introduced going into the wedding resption? is it just …
Ex is bringing her boyfriend to our daughters Holy Commmunion
What should i do here? She won't let me sit beside my 2 daughters and her at my youngest Holy Communion. I thought both parents should be sitting beside …
Birthday Party
My sister is having a casual birthday party cookout for my nephew at her house. I asked her if I could bring my sister-in-law's 2 kids to the party, they …
High School Graduation Invitation.
My husbands niece is graduating from High School in 2 weeks & we have not received an invitation.
We did receive invitations to his other 2 niece's graduations. …
daughters graduation
My daughters dad and I are separated and the divorce is not going well at all. no one in my family likes him and my daughter is very upset with me that …
Bare feet on chair
Is it rude for house guests to put their bare feet on the chair?
Rehearsal Dinner Guest List
My husband and I are on a VERY tight budget and wondering if we must invite the bridesmaids/groomsmen each with a guest/boyfriend/husband to a rehearsal …
proper gift amount for my daughters sister in law?
My daughter and her sister n law are graduate students for RN. What is the proper amount, if any we should buy for this girl?
Is it ok to donate scholarship money I have received
My son competed for and was awarded a scholarship from an employee association at my job. He recently learned of a young woman who lost both her parents …
Send graduation invitations to hostesses of a party?
My granddaughter is graduating from high school in two weeks. A group of eight ladies (friends of my daughter) honored her with an outside sit-down formal …
baptismal etiquette
Do i invite my other son's girlfriend's parents to his brother's daughter's baptism?
High School graduation dinner at a restaurant
Hi!!! After my daughter's high school graduation ceremony, I indicated what restaurant we will be going to celebrate. I just don't know how to let them …
CoWorker Granddaughter Graduation Announcement
Several coworkers received graduation announcements for another coworker's granddaughters graduation from High School.
What is the appropriate response? …
Ladies being seated at luncheon
I recently hosted a luncheon for several ladies. When they had gathered at the table I realized they were all standing by their chairs and I didn't know …
mom is the mother of the bride. she is also performing the wedding
The mother of the bride is performing the wedding. Does she take her place as she would being the mother of the bride, then go to the front and wait for …
Titles for wife
When in print.. Is it proper to list wife as:
Mr. Terry Smith and his wife Jackie or Mrs. Jackie Smith
College graduation anouncements if short 3 credits of graduation?
My daughter is 3 credits short of receiving her diploma and will take an on-line course to complete her colleg degree. She has ordered announcements and …
Bridal shower etiquette
Do I need to give a gift to my bridal shower hosts?
left daughter's live- in off invitation list.
Dear Miss Manners,
Our oldest daughter (30)is currently living with a man whom our entire family does not respect. He has earned this disrespect, believe …
Graduation Invites for a two persons party
My friend and I are hosting a high school graduation party for our sons. It is a small town and we will be inviting a lot of the same people. The invitations …
Close family wedding etiquette - or - what is the right thing to do?...
One of my husband's nieces is getting married. This is a young woman who has always professed to love us dearly. Through the years, my husband and I have …
Ex-Inlaws Graduation Invitation
Do you send a high school graduation announcement/invitation to ex inlaws for step grandson? There has not been much interaction with since divorce but …
office nurse x 10 years
I have worked for a large medical speciality for 10 years and wish to properly tender my resignation as I am entering into retirement. Is is appropriate …
Wording on Save the Date 50th Surprise Anniversary Party
My sister and I are throwing my parents a surprise 50th wedding anniversary party. We are preparing save the date cards. On the bottom of the card we …
High School Announcments
Is it proper to send high school graduation announcement to boyfriend of less than one year's parents. Daughter says yes but I am not so sure.
Birthday dinner etiquette
Dear Ms. Manners,
I invited 6 of my friends to go to a $$$ restaurant. We all take each other to dinner on our birthdays but now I am feeling guilty …
My brother has asked my ex-husband to his 60th birthday.
After a marriage of 16years, my ex and I have been apart now for almost 30years, he has remarried and I have not. During that time relations have been …
graduation brunch for granddaughter
is it good etiquette for a grandmother to give her granddaughter a high school graduation brunch or tea
Dinner with your husband common law partner and relatives
My husband son Daniel is going to celebrate his 20th birthday soon and they usually go out for dinner to celebrate it, my husbands sons mother, soms auntie, …
Christening crosses
I am going to be Godmother to my little nephew. I am Greek Orthodox and the baby will be christened in the Episcopalian Church. I need to know what the …
Greeting a couple.
When out in public people will greet my husband by his name and completely ignore me. Why do some people do this?
Owner of house cleaning business
I have my own house cleaning business and have some of my clients for 13 years. They are like "family" to me. My oldest son is graduating from high school …
Awkward Scenario
Just wondering if it is a social faux par to take (as my plus one) my sisters ex boyfriend to her current boyfriends birthday event ( a movie and …
Gift or No Gift
I received a formal announcement from friends that their daughter was married one March 30th this year in a private ceremony out of town. It closes with …
what to do?
girlfriend has sisters from out of town visiting. We are meeting for lunch, should I pick up the tab or should girlfriend & I split the tab?
College Graduation
My son's college graduation is coming up. They provide only 4 tickets. Does my niece come before my boyfriend of 8 years? In other words do I disapoint …
High School Graduation
I have received a high school graduation notice from a great niece whom I have never met. I have not even seen her mother in many, many years; the only …
wedding gift
What is correct Etiquette for a wedding gift if I wasn't invited to the wedding or the dinner just the dance. I am also the bridges godfather?
Empty Wine Bottle
do you return the empty wine bottle upsidedown to the wine bucket
christening gift for an employee
I am the ceo of an international company and my employee is baptizing his son this weekend. He comes from a large extended Hispanic family so i am guessing …
Glum about Grandpa's Girlfriend
My husband and I are almost divorced, and I tried to be kind to his new girlfriend. She talked about me behind my back and snubbed me. I accept that, but …
Graduation Ceremony Attendees
I am completing my Master's Degree in a school that is 5 hours from where my husband, kids and I live (online program). The school happens to be in the …
Birthday gift
My boyfriend invited me to his nieces 1st Birthday do I purchase a gift for her separate from my boyfriends?
Thank you
Email Etiquette
I offered out home and 2 dates that we would be able to accomodate a family get together of my Husbands family to one of his cousins.
We …
med school graduation
My son is graduating from medical school and I am wondering who to send announcements to? There are many of his past teachers that I'm sure would like …
baptism gift?
My 19 year old daughter is getting baptized. Is a gift appropriate? If yes what should it be?
Wrong Thank You
What should I say if anything to a thank you note to me for wrong gift sent to a child's birthday?
birthday gift for wife?
My wife and i separated 2 weeks ago. Her birthday is in the beginning of April and i am wondering if i am obligated to buy her a gift? She made it clear …
meeting daughter's boyrfriend's parents
If my daughters boyfriend and his parents will be in our area for his college graduation should I invite them to our home so we can meet them or offer …
Proper time to pay for In-laws
I have been married for eight years now and my wife just told me that her parents hate it when I pay for stuff. I have paid for one meal over $75 for 6 …
nana needs to know.
Is it proper to take pictures of a baptism?
giving to co-worker
When a co-workers family member dies is it proper to collect money and if so where do you draw the line. Step-Parents, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles …
Bridal Shower
Can you invite persons to a Bridal shower and not invite them to the wedding?
The Brides parents have friends they are inviting to the wedding. We …
Is it okay?
I have been dating my girlfriend for about 6 months now. Shortly before we started dating, her and her boyfriend of 7 years, who she had a daughter with …
Death of Co-workers Daughter in Law
Should flowers be sent to a co-worker for the death of his daughter in law?
meeting with old high school friend
I am female. Graduated high school in 1973. Meeting with a lady that I graduated with and was wondering what would be an appropriate gift to bring to meeting? …
Mother giving daughter-in-law a baby shower improper etiquette?
Is it in poor taste for a mother to give her daughter-in-law a baby shower? Daughter-in-law and all invited live locally.
I was told that the closest …
Transitioning Etiquette rules?
How can I relay the importance of etiquette without creating ill will or embarrassment?
How to respond to a "vow ceremony" invitation with an enclosed …
Wedding Anniversary Gift Giving?
The neighbor's grown children are hosting a 50th wedding anniversary dinner for their parents and all the neighbors are invited. We all live in an active …
Wedding gift etiquette for Niece-in-law
Couple is in late 20's. Have bought condo together a few years ago and both working in good jobs financially.
Bride is my sister's step-daughter. I …
Church AND Party?
My wife's best friend invited us to her sons first communion. The invitation is for attending the Church communion AND the party afterwards. My wife states, …
Famiy Etiquette
How do you find your place in a ready made family where the ex is still coming to family gatherings and you're almost the same age as the kids (adult kids)? …
Prefilled or not?
We are having a semi formal dinner for our fire department and we aren't sure if it is proper to prefill the water and tea glasses or let the guests fill …
Is it proper to bring new boyfriend to daughter's graduation?
I am a divorced father of 2. I have been divorced for 5 years now. My ex-wife has had her recent boyfriend for the past 2 years. I wanted to know if …
Do you have to invite the whole family to a First Communion?
My daughter first communion is coming up, close family and friends are invited.
My girls wants to invite some of her friends, could we invite only her …
What should I do
I am meeting a childhood friend I have not seen in 20 years should I take her a gift
The Ex Family
My ex and I had a child together so his parents and I are close. She is over 2 years old. And we (parents and I) speak every day. My ex and I don't. Lets …
What is the proper response to someome who has sent you flowers?
I recently received a bouquet of flowers from a friend who just said thank you for being a friend. What is my proper response?
Baptism of 7 year old girl
What is (are) some perfect gift options?
Baby Shower
My son and his wife are having a baby in April. His Father and I have not been together for over 25 yrs, he is married with a teen age son of his own. …
If inviting a guest for dinner for the first time is it proper to invite another friend for dinner. They are both men friends.?
college graduation party
Is it proper etiquette to hold a college graduation party this spring for my son who will be getting married next year?
Having 3 children, 7,8 and 10 baptized
In a private ceremony, with just my husband and I. Everyone says make the donation to the parish that you can afford. I get that, but is there some helpful …
what should a spouse call his wife to his son-in-law?
My husband calls me "grandma" to our son-in-law when he refers to me. This upsets me since I am the grandmother to his children, but not to him. He should …
Brunch for a Wedding Party
Is it proper to just invite the ladies of the Wedding Party or do you ask the whole Wedding Party? Some of the people are out of town. This is for our …
How to word an anniversary invitation that will be held at a resort?
My husband and I want to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary at a destination resort. It is 300-800 miles from where family and guests live. We are …
high school graduation invitations
What family members should I (his maternal grandmother) send invitations to? Great Aunts?, my cousins (his 3rd/4th cousins? I talk to some of them occasionally …
what is proper protocol for me to extend to my sister in-law on the death of her mother
My sister in-law's mother just passed away. She did not contact me, but did my father and he told me.
We, she and I, are not close but not unfriendly, …
Bridal Shower Invitation
I wish to invite a married couple to a bridal shower, as well as their 25 year old son who lives with his mom and dad. Does the son receive a separate …
ex wife
I am out of town for business and it is my boyfriend of nine years birthday.
His ex wife who has been so mean and tried to turn their children against …
How to properly ask co-workers for contributions for another co-workers whose father passed away. used for . Funeral is taken care of. Money is to be …
Opening gifts at a first birthday party
We were trying to decide whether to open gifts or not for our daughters first birthday.
Would it be rude to place on the gift table a card inviting people …
Flowers for the dance
A friends son is 13 years old and taking a girl to a dance. A girl friend of his date is riding with them to the dance. She doesn't have a date. Is it …
Ring of confusion in Milwaukee, WI
My mother-in-law recieved a birthday gift from a friend who is 89. This lady never had children but was married 3 times with husbands who had children …
Manners with my boyfriend ex wife.
I am really concern about the way I should behave in front of my fiance ex wife. They have a two year old son together, and soon he will be baptized …
Bridal Shower Etiquette
My nephew is getting married. My daughter and I were invited to the bridal shower. My daughter cannot attend due to work. I will be attending and wondered …
Invited to a new boyfriend's dad's birthday dinner
I have been dating a guy for two months and just recently, briefly met his family. They asked him to invite me to his dad's upcoming birthday dinner. I …
House warming gifts...
Dear Miss Manners,
I've purchased a house warming gift for a co-worker who has been nice to me. He's a person who I consider a friend. His wife …
9 year old grandson's baptism
What should the grandmother wear to her 9 year old grandson't baptism?
Funeral Flowers
My friend's niece passed a few days ago. While having a conversation with my friend she informed me that she was giving her other friends the address to …
Thank you Note
When you state on a 50th invitaion, No presents please, and some guests give you a present; are you required to write a thank you note.
Engagement Card
My son and his girlfriend have just announced there engagement. I have gotten them an engagement congratulations card but am unsure how to sign it, do …
Do you reply to cards?
I've received a host of get well cards and feel like I should acknowledge them somehow but wonder what the rule of thumb is regarding that?
Son's Girlfriend & Husbands 50th birthday celebration?
Our sons girlfriend is not being invited to my husbands 50th birthday celebration.
She was included in our Christmas holiday with immediate family and …
Money for Christening
What is the acceptable amount to give for a great nieces christening?
Mother-in-Law giving husband's childhood possessions to his niece
Ms. Practical:
My husband and I have been together for 5 years, married for 1.5. My husband was a state champion soccer player throughout his childhood. …
Great Grandmom Gift for Baby Shower
My daughter is having a baby and the shower is next month. I purhased "grandma" corsages for me and the dad's mom. But what do you give his grandma who …
I am hosting a baby shower. The honoree wants to also invite the young daughter (12 yrs old) of her sister who will be invited. How should I address …
Half Siblings
I have 3 grandkids and my son who is the father doesn't see why I buy presents for the kids half brother who his ex wife had with her new husband. I get …
Unexpected death of family member within days of a party
My siblings and I have planned a rather large 75-100) surprise party for my mother's 80th birthday at an elegant venue with dinner, music, flowers, etc. …
This is my first grandchild and would like to send an e-mail to my friends and family announcing the arrival. Some of these people do not know my son (nor …
Gift for son's girlfriend
My son has a fairly serious girlfriend, and she is a runner. I bought her a pair of shwings, which are wings you can put on your shoes, more as a joke …
Bat mitzvah invites
My husband's sister and brother in law planned a bat mitzvah for their daughter. They had a Friday night service, Friday night dinner at the grandparents …
Tastefully RSVP Seeker not in Canteen IL
I am having a baby shower for my daughter, the venue a restaurant. I have decided on a served luncheon to accommodate different tastes (vegetarian,etc.) …
Wedding invite ex mother in law
Do I invite my ex's boyfriends mother to my wedding? We have been friendly even though her son and I split a couple years ago.
Really? They have to pay for dinner!
Dear Miss Manners,
I have a guestion involving my daughter's mother-in law and the fact that she expects money from her son and my daughter. My son- …
Child birthday party r.s.v.p.
My son's birthday party is this weekend and I have not yet heard from all of those invited. He wanted to invite the entire class so I do not know all …
Who to invite to graduation ceremony
I am in an uncomfortable situation. My oldest child is the first to graduate from college. The graduation is one state away from my own home state, so …
Brother and sister not invited to nephews wedding
my sister and her son, my nephew did not invite my brother and I to his wedding nearly 2 years ago. My sister mentioned to me at my birthday that her …
former sister in law
Over the niece got mad that I did not invite her mother(my former sister-in-law) to my holiday party. I told her it was not polite to ask …
requesting money "in lieu of flowers"
Is it proper to request money for the family "in lieu of flowers" in an obituary?
It seems tacky to me, but rules may have changed.
Ms. A
Is it ever appropriate for someone you are dating to ask, joke about or suggest that you (his dating partner) buy him a gift and make the connection by …
Baby shower for Step daughter in law
Is it appropriate to throw a baby shower for her when my friends have not met her?
House Guest
Iam a college student invited to spend several days at a new friend's home which includes a $3K football ticket to a very sought-after game provided by …
Wedding gift list
We are getting married both for the 3rd time and have no need for presents. We were going to ask people to give to charity but then I thought. My wife …
Nasty sister in law; great in laws.
My whole family dislikes my sister in law. However, we enjoy spending time with my in laws. Do we have to invite my sister in law to every dinner party? …
dinner invitation to mom and dad's on minor holiday
A week and a half in advance, I asked my son and daughter in law to come for dinner on a minor holiday. My son said he had asked his uncle to visit and …
Christmas gift for boyfriend's son?
I've been dating a man (widower) for 2 years. He has a 20 year old son (away at college most of the time). I'll be spending Christmas morning opening gifts …
how to tell my daughter i wont be attending her bridal shower
My daughter's wedding shower is being held at her father's home, which is my ex-husband. I would never consider going into his home. It is crossing the …
Gift Giving to Grandkids living with the ex-DIL
I sent gift cards to my three grandchildren, who live with my ex-daughter-in-law, her boyfriend, and their young son. She (my DIL) sent me a message stating …
Do I buy Xmas gifts for ex-wife and new girlfriend?
My son is bringing his ex-wife and new girlfriends for Christmas. My grandchildren will be there and I spend a lot of money on them for gifts. I usually …
Gifts for my step brothers kids I haven't met?
My step-brother and I are 2 months apart and were raised together from the time we were 6, but then we lost contact for about 4 years and in that time …
Ex inviting girlfriend to my son's graduation
I do not want my exhusband to invite his girlfriend which caused the divorce to my sons graduation. Is this an acceptable request? Who is wrong?
Unwilling Christmas Gift Recipients
When my husband and I first got married, he had a niece and ever since we said I do... both sides of our family have been adding nieces and nephews at …
xmas giving
do i give my son 200.00 dollars for christmas plus a gift and give his wife a gift. (a very nice one at that) or do i give the 200.00 dollars addressed …
Invitation to invite someone to dinner
Have a Friend who is alone and her son is in California and her Daughter is some where in the east coast . She will be alone on Christmas Day. So I thought …
A gift for brother's wife out of obligation???
Do I HAVE to buy my brother's wife an individual Christmas gift?
We are sending them a fruit gift box & have also purchased him a gift certificate to …
Christmas presents
My son's in laws live with him. They are from China, don't speak any English and they all live in Wisconsin. I live in Florida. I am sending Christmas …
Shower Etiquette
My selfish, spoiled daughter-in-law expects me to pay for an expensive baby shower. I live out of town so the mother is making arrangements at a good …
Out of town wedding
My husband's nephew is getting married and lives in a different state. I have been invited to the bridal shower, do I have to go?
Nephew or nephew-in-law
In my experience, one refers to a parent's sibling's spouse "uncle" or "aunt". One would say, "this is my aunt Mary", even were she married to my mother's …
hostess gifts for a co hosted party
do you bring a hostess gift for each host of a co-hosted party or the hostess that is using her house
Christmas Gift for Fiancee
Do I spend the same amount on Christmas gifts for my daughter's fiancee, as I do her.
is a relative required to attend a baby christening during a work week
is a relative required to attend a baby christening during a work week
Should I invite HER in laws?
For the last few years, we've spent Christmas Day at my cousin's house because her mother in law and step father in law come from out of state. That's …
Great Nieces and Nephews
I'm stuck on whether I should start buying gifts for all occasions to my new great nieces and nephews. I have stopped buying for my nieces and nephews …
Do I still send gifts to his mother?
My gay friend and I are not really friends any more, I have always loved his mother and sent generous Christmas gifts to both of them. Do I not send her …
christmas gift for siblings girlfriends?
My husband's brother has been dating a girl for a couple months. Are we obligated to buy her a gift for Christmas? His sister has been dating her girlfriend …
Help Me
Do you still go out with a planned night with friends even though your girlfriend cannot go?
gifting the wrong individuals?
I stumbled across your site when looking for some gift etiquette advice. Here's one for you:
My husband and I were given a gift for Christmas a year …
Everyone on team invited to party but me
I am on a sports team, and one of the team members is having a party for team members as well as others. She used Facebook to invite everyone, but did …
Engagement card
To whom is a card of congratulations sent for an engagement announcement. The Bride to be only or should it include her fiancee as well??
Ms. Judy C. Day
I really would like an answer to this issue which keeps coming up - If I have a guests or as most recently happened at Thanksgiving guests who crashed …
Engagement Party
My husband and I are hosting an engagement party for our daughter and her fiance on December 29th. I am trying to figure out the proper way to suggest …
Do you announce a birth at your wedding ?
My fiancee and I are getting married. It will be our 2nd for the both of us. I wanted this one to be simple. Just us.With that being said. We …
Mother of brother in law passed away - what monetary is appropriate
Christmas Gifts: Do they have to be of equal value?
Do my Christmas gifts have to be equal in number and worth for my son-in-law and my other daughter, Becca's live-in boyfriend? The boyfriend and Becca …
Ex Husbands
I have a relative that insists on inviting my ex husband to events....saying she is doing it for my children who are adults with children of their own. …
Wedding etiquette for grandmother of the bride?
Hello, can you tell me if their are ways for the grandmother of the bride to participate in planning a wedding? I have been asked by an 80+ year old friend …
New Neighborhood
My husband and I are new to our neighborhood. We have met several neighbors and would like to do something nice for them for Thanksgiving. We don't want …
son in laws parents
Should I have invited my son in laws parents to dinner? They live out of town and are visiting my daughter and her husband. Since the kids work, I thought …
If my wife is not invited to Thanksgiving and my grandparents are 88 and 92!!! Go or don't go???
visit ex boyfriends house
Is it appropriate for my 17 year old daughter to go to her exboyfriends house after only 1 week to attend his 11year sisters birthday party?
What is the proper age of a chaperone of a 17 year old couple?
Combo Birthday invite
I am having a combo birthday for my two girls ages will be 3 and 6. My 6 yr old is in school now and will have her own friends at the party however, some …
Baby shower invitations
I have a baby shower I am giving on December the 15th. It will be Christmas themed. How soon should I get the invites out? It gets really busy during the …
Want to do the right thing
Years ago, I'd given a girlfriend a diamond/sphire ring. We broke up, she got married. Today, she gave me the ring back. Is it okay, for me to give …
3yr wedding anniversary dinner party: to gift or not to gift?
A couple I know eloped 3 years ago. They're hosting a 3 yr wedding anniversary dinner this weekend. My question is: Should I bring a gift?
Hello, I have a girlfriend I've known over 30 yrs. She's now a retired 2nd grade teacher. Every time we get together for a visit or lunch out etc. Her …
Baptism gift or not?
We are close friends of the grandparents of the baby being baptized, but are not invited to the ceremony. However, we have been invited to have dinner …
Am I wrong not to invite my sister in law over to a house party?
My brother and sister in law recently separated about a month ago and aren't speaking to each other. They've been together for 17 years, so she is family …
wedding gift for parents of the groom ??
I'm friends with a couple who's son is getting married this weekend. I only met their son once or twice and I never met his future wife. I'm not …
Receipt of an Overly Generous Gift
My wife and I helped a friend and neighbor load and move some items on their moving day for about 4 hours. We were happy to help as they were in a pinch …
newly dating
I have been seriously dating this man for 3 months, his grandmother just died last night. I have not met any of his family yet, what is appropriate for …
Grand mother
I have two Grandkids getting baptized on sat ,1 yr. lil girl and a 4yr. Lil boy. What gifts should I get them if any ?
Wedding gift etiquette
How much should I spend on a wedding gift?
Wedding Invites - proper etiquette inviting adult cousins
I have three adult sons (30, 27, and 19)all still living home. My cousin's son is getting married. Only my 30 y.o. son was invited and was not given a …
Baby shower invitations
Is it OK to send one invitation to an adult child and her parent living in the same household?
Is it necessary to respond to an oral statement?
My spouse of 17 years and I have an ongoing argument when he makes general statements and I don't respond to them. I do respond when questions or my opinion …
Bridal Party for Lesbians
How long do I have to stay it's my daughter's wedding ?I think it's the first party really and I want to show support but she's marrying a woman that's …
How to sign my baby shower card to my step daughter whos having a baby?
I have seven grandchildren of my own. My husband has always been called Papa by all of them. My adult children love my husband, as he does them. My husbands …
Is it appropriate for an adult to announce her own graduation?
I am 45 years old, married with six children, working full time, and I just completed my Masters degree (with a 4.0 gpa). I am participating in the graduation …
Party invite
I was invited verbally about two weeks ago by 1 host of a 4 host party to an upcoming party. He told my husband and myself to save the date. I just found …
my daughter and i are giving a baby shower for a relative, do we ask my son's live-in girlfriend to help give the party?
Engagement Announcement
My son wants to include 2 people in his wedding engagement announcement that he calls grandma & grandpa. They are not related to him but he has always …
How do I answer how many grandchildren I have
We have 9 living grandchildren and we lost one grandchild when he was 3 days old. What do we say when someone asks how many grandchildren we have? 9 or …
Miss Sofiya Kvasha
Is there any special wording for a formal/informal tea party invitation?
Ex-Step Nephew's Viewing
Is it ok to attend ex step nephew's viewing
Ok to join a group or not?
When there is a particular group of friends that get together for coffee every week on the same day of the week, at the same time, same place. In the past, …
gift giving etiquette
Do I have to buy christmas gifts for my son's girlfriend? They live together and have 5 boys.
Keeping old photos???
What is appropriate when it comes to keeping old photos and momento's of our past (not referring to family photos)??? While going through my closet this …
Cinderella not Invited to the Bridal Shower
I have two sisters and a mother. One of my sisters and my mother are hosting a bridal shower for my cousin who is my mother's sister's daughter. I did …
jilted by brother
brother, whom i don't see much, but talk to when i do see him has kids get togethers and parties, and never invite his nieces and nephews who are the same …
Afternoon Tea
Is it proper to wear gloves all through a afternoon tea?
Guest inviting guest to my home
I have a friend whom comes to my home for parties and she always ask me if she can invite her new friends, who I do not know if they can come as well. …
Contact neighbors
I am hosting a wedding with a DJ playing, Saturday in September at 5pm until 11:30pm
My question is should i send a letter to my neighbors informing …
Addressing a Birthday Invitation
How do I address a birthday invitation to my nephew who is dating someone with a son. I want to invite her and her son as well?
birthday party dinner at restaurant, who pays?
Our brother-in-law is having his wifes 50th birthday party at a restaurant. Who pays for dinner? If the guests are expected to pay for their own dinner, …
baptism invitation
Dear Miss Manners,
I have a friend that asked my to be a god mother to her daughter, we have been friends since high school and maintained a close …
Family Portrait
My fiance's son wants to go to a studio to have a family portrait done with my fiance and her ex for the his son's Christening. How should I respond …
Response to hostess gifts
What is the proper response when you give a party and receive hostess gifts? Should a person send thank-you notes in return for the gifts? I held …
party gift
i missed my friend's son's college graduation party. should i send a gift?
invitation to wedding far away in india
a coworker sent an invitation card for her wedding in India to everyone at work. She never invited me to her house party in town. Looks like she just …
Baby Shower Etiquette
I have received an e-line baby shower invitation for my son's girlfriend's, daughter's expected new baby. The girlfriend has been living with my son …
Is it proper to give gifts to people who help at Birthdays?
My sisters and I gave my mother a 75th surprise birthday party. In the invitation we asked that in lieu of gifts, please share a photo or endearing …
Changes of Address
What is the proper response when you receive a formal change of address announcement from your nephew?
anniversary during a separation
My husband and I have very recently separated. our 19th anniversary is coming up,and I don't know if I should say or do anything. Could you please …
Who pays?
If a couple invite's you to dinner and during the dinner you find out it is their wedding anniversary, who should pay the restaurant bill?
Starting a short e-mail with Dear
Is it appropriate for a co-worker to start a short e-mail with Dear?
Obese friends of teen children
My daughter has a friend who I have seen grown from a large to obese over several years. Recently she stopped in to visit. She and my daughter sat …
How much is too much?
My son and his fiancee are marrying next spring. She is a lovely person and we are delighted to have her join our family. The very night that our …
who pays
our grandson and his wife have invited us to a show and dinner that includes his wife, her parents, his parents and ourselves. it is her parents wedding …
ex daughter in law photos with infants
Is it polite to still have my ex daughter in laws pictures up if they are photos of my grandchildren with her when my son and her were still together. …
What should I d when I'm not invited to my grandson's Baptism because of my former spouse?
My step daughter called and said that my husband and I and the rest of his family would not be invited to her son's Baptism because of hard feelings …
Uninvited wedding guest
An invitee to a wedding returned the reply card with the question..." if I bring my three children (all three were invited), but ask two of them not to …
Should I invite my boss to my pool.bbq party? Co workers are coming.
Should I invite my boss to my pool.bbq party? Co workers are coming, along with former employees of his who left the company on mildly unpleasant terms. …
Baby Shower RSVP
I provided a guest list to my cousin for the purpose of throwing me a baby shower (she offered). At a week prior to the event, my cousin informed me …
graduation party for non graduate
We've been invited to a graduation party for twins. One graduated one didn't and may or may not try to complete his education. I'm sure he wouldn't …
Addressing wedding envelopes for the family only (without girlfriends)
I addressed wedding envelopes to "The Stewart Family" and the "Rombard Family" assuming the recipients would understand that I only want to invite …
In memoriam Brother in wedding party
My fiance and I are getting married in January, 2013, which will be 2 years since his brother passed away. My fiance doesn't have close friends, and …
How much money to give your son for his 2nd marriage (her first)
My son will be getting married (his 2nd) to someone (her 1st) She is from Canada (he from MN) They are getting married at the court house in Canada. …
Checking the brand of someone's china
Is it OK to pick up someone's china to see what the brand and pattern are?
Wording of Invitation - Two Doctors
Looking for wording on a wedding invitation. While one of the bride's parents is an attorney (as are the bride and groom), both of the groom's parents …
India Etiquette
I was wondering how to word a thank you note to a family from India. Their note read: Congratulations from Samaira(their 1 year old), Shiprah(the …
Open House Invitation etiquette for grandmothers
My grandson graduated from high school recently, and his mother (my daughter) wants me to invite some of my friends to his open house/graduation party. …
graduation invitation wording
We did not have a high school graduation party for our son and now am planning a college graduation party. What wording would be appropriate on invitations …
Is it appropriate to go to the wake for the mother of a girl I went to school with 30 years earlier? I didn’t know the mother and I just saw the girl …
Graduation gift
If you do not receive a graduation announcement from a relative should you still send a gift? Other family members received an announcement. I think …
Graduation party gift giving in return
How do you handle this.
My daughter graduated .. we planned a party sent out invitation to people.. some of who as well had children graduating.. …
Boss Employee relations etiquette!!
Is it proper for a new supervisor to give her cell# and home# to male employees married or single? I wouldn't!
wedding etiquette
my co-worker is collecting money for her daughters wedding in Asia country.There is no bridal shower because her daughter lives there.No wedding invitation …
Gifts for the graduate
My son graduated from high school. He attended public school for 11 years and finished his diploma though on-line classes. He finished all the requirements …
wording on an invitation
I received an invitation from two hostesses. The wording was; "join us" in celebrating a birthday.
We'll meet at a restaurant (for a meal) followed …
grandson's first communion and baptism
what should the grandmother wear to her 10 yr old grandson's baptism and first communion? The Catholic baptism is on a Sat at 11AM. Then we'l go to …
How much
My co-worker invited me to her son's high school graduation party. I don't have any money to give as a gift. Should I attend?
Dad's girlfriend, thanks but no thanks!
Help! Everytime we want to invite my dad over to spend time with his grandchildren he always brings along his crazy girlfriend. We have made numerous …
50th wedding anniversary
Is it proper for us (the children) to host a 50th wedding anniversary reception if our parents, through their marriage, have separated but always gone …
Should grandparents give new grandbaby a gift?
Just husband and I are going to be grandparents! We gave a gift to our soon-to-be grandbaby at a shower. Should we give her another …
Can I ask my mother-in-law not to honk?
My mother-in-law moved to the Dallas area almost a year ago. A couple of months ago, she began walking her dog in the park by our house nearly every …
who's first?
Dear Miss Manners,
Who should be served first at dinner?..Out of town guests or children, if you are at another family members house?
Yours, …
spoiled food
A friend brought over a gift basket filled with expired cheese, crackers, sausage..etc. Do I let him know or let it go?
Etiquette for High School graduate announcement
Is it proper to send an announcement card to father and his new wife? Daughter did not want her father's new wife to attend to graduation. She wrote …
do I get a 2nd bridal shower gift?
My son and his future daughter in law are already using their bridal shower gift we bought them (pot and pan) because they moved in together and needed …
Medical School Graduation Ceremony
I am the Mother of the young man graduating from Medical School. I would like to know the proper attire for an afternoon graduation.
Babies without daddies
After many years searching for a partner, I find myself in a position where I need to have a child (without the man), or give up. So I'm considering …
engagement parties
should one be exspected to buy a family member an engagement gift when we will be buying a wedding gift?
address requested
Our great niece is getting married,and her mother (our niece) has asked me to provide our adult grandson&wife; home address!My grandson & wife donot …
Retirement party
I have been a self employed Housekepper for 8 years. I'd like to have a "retirement" party so I can tell all my clients goodbye at once. Is that tacky? …
etiquette for dating a family member's ex
Is it ever ok to date a cousin's ex-wife? they divorced nearly 20yrs ago. They both have moved on. She had been in a serious relationship for approx. …
gift or not for MBA grad
Am I obligated to buy a gift for my nieces MBA graduation. There is no party and I've already given her a gift for her college graduation
Touching one's hair
I recall a rule of thumb being to never touch one's hair in public. I know it is a rule in regard to being seated at a table; but isn't it also a …
How to word seating of the Mother's, when the bride's mom is escorting her daughter down the aisle
What is the proper wording for a bulletin to list
Seating of the Mothers, when only the Groom's Mother will be seated and the bride's Mother is walking …
Addressing sister in law's HUGE mistake?
Our family was planning a big combo birthday for my son brother and father, each turning 10,40,60. Been planning it for a couple of years now. We had …
Can I just attend the luncheon for a first communion without going to the mass?
Wedding Shower Invitation
Should my nephew's fiancee be invited to the shower of his cousin?
If I respond in person to the bride is it still necessary to send back RSVP card?
Graduation party-who to invite and who not?
My daughter is graduating from law school and we are going to have a party. We know we will invite family and close friends but my husband wants to …
silverware layout
silverware layout order
What should an Aunt give for a med. school grad?
Adult cousin graduating
I have an adult cousin (30 years old)that is graduating from college after taking a voluntary absence to start his own business. My question is what …
Graduation announcement to?
Is it okay to send an announcement to someone who also has a graduate?
Discussing social plans when everyone is not included
There's one woman who will discuss in details social plans and outings in which I am not included. She will show photos of these outings to me and …
co-hosted First Communion party
I have been invited to a first communion party for 2 children that is co-hosted by each child's mother. I am friends with the 1 mother and an acquaintance …
Graduation Announcement Etiquette
I have read that you should not include the graduation party invite in with the announcement. Is this such a big deal? We will be sending some of …
awkward ex-husband
I'm planning a family dinner out for my daughter's college graduation. I'm remarried and have been for three years; my ex-husband does not want my …
Unwanted Passenger
Dear Miss Manners
I am seeking your advice about a woman I barely know but has recently joined a moms group I am a member of. She does not drive …
Bridal luncheon
Do bridal luncheon guests bring hostess gifts to the event in North Carolina?
"Money" only Bridal Shower
How appropriate is it to ask for money only for a Bridal Shower and Wedding gift. The couple have lived together for 10 years and this will be their …
Not exactly crystal clear!!
I have a number of good friends whom I entertain in my home at Christmas formal dinner. A couple of years ago these friends got together financially …
rsvp date
Should I call people if they do not respond to baby shower by rsvp date?
To go or Not to go? That is the question! Lingerie/bridal shower dilemma!
2 days ago I was invited to a Bridal/Lingerie Shower of a friend's daughter which is been hosted by the friend's client who is not the maid of honor. …
thanksgiving dinner
If I invite my family and we go out to a restaurant, do I need to pick up the tab for Thanksgiving?
Sending out Bridal Shower invitations
I need to know when to mail out Bridal Invitations.
The Bridal Shower is May 19, I need to have a number of guests by May 5th.
Some guests …
how much money for a christening?
For a family of 4, how much money should we give for a baby christening?
Wedding RSVP Etiquette
For a Wedding, I am doing coligraphy writing on the envelopes, on the RSVP instead of the standard M______ could I prefill the name for them?
Out of town guests
For a bridal shower, who really gets invited. Beside family and friends of the two families.
Do you invite wifes of the husbands that work …
my wife's friends are friends with her ex
OK, so I'm checking out Facebook, and I see that 2 of my wife's friends hosted a party.
I see from the photos on facebook that my wife's ex was …
Grandfather & Step Grandmother
What to get a 15 year old Grandson for a Baptism Gift? What is the proper etiquette for this event gift,Dress etc.?
Bridal shower/Graduation from Medical School
I'm hosting a bridal shower for my daughter-in-law, on May 19,2020. She is graduating from medical school on May 20th, 2012.
What should the invitation …
Paying for dry cleaning when duvet cover soiled
While visiting a cousin, my husband got blood on a duvet cover. I offered to pay for the dry cleaning but was told that was not necessary as they …
Voice Lesson interruption
My daughter has a weekly private voice lesson at school with her choir director. The girl that is scheduled to come in for the next voice lesson always …
wedding shower
Is it proper to host a wedding shower for a couple who went to the jp and if yes who should host it?
When walking into an office who says good am first?
Gift Certificate
We received a gift certificate to a very nice and somewhat expensive restaurant from our daughter. Knowing this is a restaurant that our friends have …
wedding shower
is it o.k. to put greenback wedding shower, when the couple already has a house and living together, they have everything?
Proper attire
I was invited to an award presentation, cocktails and dinner and the invitation stated "cocktail attire is suggested."
How should I dress?
Should you still be able to meet up and stay contact with the opposite sex while in a relationship?
Should you still be able to meet up and stay contact/friends with the opposite sex while in a monogomas relationship?
What to say when someone asks how much I spent on something
I got an expensive ring from my husband for Christmas. His coworkers & mom have all asked how much it costs & made comments about being rich.
Should the children call the parent for the holidays or should the parent call the children?
Wedding invite
I accidentally asked someone's address for my wedding through Facebook and I don't want to invite them what do I do?
Should you pick up the phone when you have company? If so, how do you handle the phone call?
My brother called to ask me how I was doing, as I had been recently sick. I had company at the time, so I told him I was feeling better, but couldn't …
Gifting for Teen Baptism
What would be an appropriate gift for a teen boy and girl baptism? One of the teens is a grandchild...
constant complaining, or always lying
When my son first married her, we found her very rude. Example: while visitng in their home, she removed a glass of tea from my hand, placed first …
Hostess gift?
I'm going to a dinner party where there will be 10 guests, I would like to bring a small gift for the hostess. My gift will be a box of chocolates, …
Which R.S.V.P. abomination is more appropriate?
Hoping to prevent hard feelings. I realize this is a case of the lesser of two evils so, which is slightly less appalling?
-To R.S.V.P. to event, …
Is it rude to request that my son not invite his father (ex-husband, was abusive and mostly deadbeat dad) to rehearsal supper, My husband and I are paying?
My ex-husband didn't work until my son turned 18 and we got not a penny from him for seven years in back child support. Luckily I had filed through …
Proper time to schedule a dinner.
My husbands family drive me nuts. They decide when we are going to eat. If we go to Mel's house, she will say come at 5:30. She doesn't begin to cook …
Restaurant rudeness???
A group of us went to a restaurant for lunch on Sunday. We were the only occupied table in the restaurant for most of the time we were there, and …
How to tell someone that they are hurting your feelings?
I am a dedicated Vegetarian, since the age of 10, I am now in my 20's & it seems that many people think it okay to mock me during get togethers, …
inviting guests to your home
What is the right response when guests ask what they should bring?
Calling people
We go to a doctor and his staff insist on calling our home as early as 7:15 am to confirm appointsments. I was taught that calling someone before 8:00 …
Double Bridal Shower
I am attending a double bridal shower and don't know the other guest of honor. Do I need to purchase a gift for her?
Is it appropriate for a wedding engagement to last for more than two years?
Is this inappropriate especially where the couple is still in school but they know that on completion of there 4 year degree for example, they intend …
My sister-in-law chews with her mouth open.
When my husband, daughter and I go to his parents for lunch every weekend, I sometimes catch my daughter (6) accidentally chewing with her mouth open. …
Elbows on the Table
I have a young man of 15 who has argueed with me about resting ones arm at the elbow on the table to bring his fork to his mouth. I am from the Deep …
Must we invite a friend's new girlfriend to our wedding?
We are getting married in six weeks. A couple we have known for several years recently went through a divorce and though things were amicable, he wanted …
Asking Prospective Godparents
How do I formally ask potential Godparents to the baptism?
Brother has reniged on a decision causing a dilemma.
We have our niece and nephew visit us every year. This year our 17 year old niece asked if her boyfriend could come along and her parents (my sister …
Wording for RSVP to formal wedding invitation
We received a formal wedding invitation and want the wording for a correct and equally formal response.
thoughtless gift
My 8 year old daughter received 2 cheap, thoughtless gifts from one of her best friends. Not only that, one of the gifts was a necklace the friend …
When does a young adult get a date option?
We have just been invited to my niece's bat mitzvah. My son who is twenty has been dating someone for almost two years. Everyone in the family is …
When do you mail the wedding invitation?
When do you send the invite when you already sent the save the date?
Who should receive graduation announcements?
My daughter who is graduating from college in August is the youngest grand daughter in my family. Consequently, all of her cousins are now adults living …
Anniversary Party Gift
My husband and I were invited to a 50 wedding anniversary party, the RSVP says "no personal gifts." I was wondering if that meant they would accept …
Cell phones
Should cell phones be banned from the classroom?
Am I right to feel hurt...and where do I go from here?
Dear Miss Manners,
My son's fiancee is having her bridal shower in 2 weeks, which is being hosted by family. As the mother of the groom, I had …
Are thank you notes a thing of the past?
Over the years, I have changed from buying Christmas gifts to making them, and that means hours of baking. Last year I sent about 12 relatives and …
Dealing with flatulence?
Sometimes, especially after a good meal, I feel the need to pass gas. At times it occurs before I can excuse myself from the table. Also at home, …
High School Graduation Announcement Etiquette
My daughter is graduating from high school, and I want to send announcements out. Is proper etiquette to include a note about my daughter's plans …
Can bride/graphic designer design her shower invitations?
Hello, I am getting married soon and I am a graphic designer. I designed my own wedding invitations. My fiance's cousin is throwing a shower for me …
Graduation Etiquette Question
My son is graduating, my husband and I are no longer together. I asked him if he could contribute to the dinner after the ceremony he said he could …
Graduation get together
We are having a graduation get together at a resturant mostly for family for our son. We are providing the cake & ice cream. But the guests will be …
Does one sign the inside of preprinted Graduation invitation?
My son is graduating the end of May. The invitations were ordered thru salesperson at the school. They are pre printed. Does he sign at the bottom? …
Bridal Shower
I and all my co worker's (15 total) were invited to a bridal shower for a co worker I don't know well or am friends with. I am not invited to the wedding. …
Attending X-Husbands Brother's Funeral
I was married for 40 yrs and divorced my husband. He remarried a young girl and I want to attend his brothers funeral out of town. Should I go? The …
High School Graduation Announcement - can it include mention of College enrollment and scholarship?
My son is graduating High School. When I send his graduation announcements and party invitation, would it be rude for me to include a statement like …
Brother of the Groom
My brother's fiance has a terrible relationship with her family. He has asked me to witness his wedding at the justice of the peace but does not intend …
What to do/say when you are told a friend has a terminal disease
Our office just received news that our boss' wife has ALS. We are concerned but don't know what is appropriate. Do we send flowers, cards, what? …
Gifts and Money
After a very trying week at work I anonymously bought and distributed boxes of candy to some co-workers in the office as a "keep up your spirits" kind …
How to contact you?
I will like to know how can we contact you to schedule a class for children?
Is 30 miles too far for a baby shower?
I offered to host a baby shower for a very close friend. The problem is, I live about 30 min away from her and most of the people on her guest list. …
Medical Assistant
Working in a Central Triage area of a large medical firm, should the caller be addressed as "baby", honey...?
Party gifts
I am attending a party for which the invitation states, "no gifts please." It sounds ridiculous to ask but should I bring a small token of the celebration …
Can I Wear a Blush Colored Shirt
to a Wake?
I bought a blush short sleeve dressy shirt and want to wear it under a black suit jacket with black pants. Is it appropriate?
Date Etiquette Situation
I was invited to a party with some people I did not know well by someone I was dating when one of my dates friends got so drunk that he was vomiting …
Bridal Shower Etiquette
My future daughter in law recently had a lingerie shower given to her by her attendants. (She gave them a guest list on the approval of her mother) …
Help with table manners of a friend
Dear Ms. P Manners,
I desperately need your advice. I met a guy a few weeks ago who I really like. But a suddenly have a problem. This past week …
bad to the bone
Re eating a bone-in steak at an upscale restaurant. When done with knife and fork, may one pick up the bone and eat the meat directly from it? Thank you, …
proper attire Not rated yet
Is a nice shirt and nice pair of shorts proper attire for a 17 year old to wear to his brother's graduation from medical school?
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