Graduation Announcement Etiquette

by Heather
(St. Louis)

I have read that you should not include the graduation party invite in with the announcement. Is this such a big deal? We will be sending some of the same people the announcement as well as the invite to the open house party. They will be mailed at the same time, I would think that it would be just as tacky to get two mailings for the same thing in the mail.

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Separate Mailings
by: Ms P Etiquette

Dear Heather,

Based on the information included in your email, my question to you is how formal is this graduation party? If it is a casual affair, then bundling the two invitations may be acceptable. However, the proper etiquette is sending two separate mailings. Mail the announcements first and then wait a few days before sending out the invitation to the open house party.

Whenever possible, the recipient of an invitation should feel special because they were included in an invitation only event. That is where the separate mailings can make a big difference and set the tone for the celebration.

Good luck!


Ms Practical Etiquette

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