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Giving your back to someone in a group.

by Rosa
(San Antonio, TX)

In a group gathering with several friends, some are across the table the others are to my right. I am at the end & the one to my right is totally giving me her back, excluding me from conversation. I feel totally out of place & finally ask her if she wouldn't mind not to give me her back so I could join-in the conversation. She turns back to the other girl, rolling her eyes to the other girl who also opens her eyes wider. I simply tell both well if you don't want me to hear then sorry for asking & the other girl says oh no. I say well you both are rolling your eyes so I figure you don't want me to join-in. Nonetheless, I felt totally out of place.

Isn't this poor etiquette to give your back to someone you consider your friend?

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Group Interaction
by: Ms P Etiquette


This is a common occurrence and it is rude and unacceptable behavior in any group to turn your back to someone who is near by. If one wants to have a private conversation those included in the conversation should move away from the rest of the group politely to chat.

It is such poor manners to behave this way, especially at a dinner table where it is difficult to join in because of position and distance. I find their response interesting and demonstrative of their lack of social grace. Unfortunately, it is difficult to change poor manners. If one is not taught at home when a young child, the chances are slim to effect any changes.

Take care,
Ms Practical Etiquette

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