bad to the bone

Re eating a bone-in steak at an upscale restaurant. When done with knife and fork, may one pick up the bone and eat the meat directly from it? Thank you, Philip

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Restaurant Behavior
by: Ms P Etiquette

Dear Bad,

The short answer to your question is, no. Unless at a picnic or other informal venue, it is never acceptable to eat with your hands. Chewing on a bone in a restaurant is definitely a faux pas!

Interesting question, thanks.

Ms. Practical Etiquette

by: Oowinjiits

If there's a way to eat a bread stick with a knife and fork, I'd sure like to know what it is!

Some etiquette advisors allow eating certain foods with the fingers, even in formal circumstances. Asparagus or crisp potato chips come to mind . . .

Table Manners
by: Dan

If you reread the question, it was concerning eating a bone at the table. Not bread sticks, or other "finger foods". Per the response, it is not proper to pick up and chew on a bone at a fine restaurant. This has nothing to do with breadsticks. I've never heard of scoping up asparagus and eating it with your hands either. But, as you point out, there are certain things that can be handled by your hands and be proper, like bread, or in your example, bread sticks.

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