what should a spouse call his wife to his son-in-law?

My husband calls me "grandma" to our son-in-law when he refers to me. This upsets me since I am the grandmother to his children, but not to him. He should refer to me as Sally or Mom.

Here is my husband's response to our son-in-law when he asked us to pick up our grandson from school: Grandma will pick him up...no problem. To me, this means that either my husband's mother, my mother, or our son-in-laws grandmother will be picking him up...not me. How do you read this?

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by: Ms P Etiquette


Of course, you are not your son in law's grandmother and it is understandable that you do not wish to be referred to as such. You are Sally or Mom. It is reasonable for you to be called either of these names in conversation. However, you and your husband need to discuss your wishes and not the etiquette or correctness of the name. Why does he continue to do this when you have made it clear you don't want him to use this appellation? That may be a good question to ask.

Ms Practical Etiquette

Good luck!

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