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Etiquette and Manners
Family Time

There is nothing that can stress etiquette and manners like family time. Why? Is it the familiarity? Is it the expected responses? Maybe it’s the closeness. No doubt, this could be stressful. However, it could also be some of the most wonderful time spent together.

This section is about balancing the time spent with family, and how to keep everyone happy. Manners and etiquette will play a big part in avoiding contentious situations and instead, make them great times to remember.

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There is nothing like the holidays to create that awkward feeling. Who should we spend which holiday with, particularly for the newly married or the young couples with the first grandchild? I remember those early days when we ran from house to house and it resulted in a very unhappy baby totally thrown off her schedule. If you are in that situation, remember what is best for the baby and work the situation accordingly. Disappointment can be averted if handled appropriately. Here are some thoughts on Thanksgiving and Christmas etiquette to help take some stress out of what could be a stressful time. In addition, here is something to think about as a New Year approaches.

Know someone with a new one on the way? There is nothing like a baby shower to help the new parents get everything they need to prepare for the stork’s arrival. Baby shower etiquette provides a guide for what you need to know and do to throw a great event for the expectant parents. Been invited to a baby shower? No worries! Baby shower gift etiquette will help guide you on how to select that “just right gift”.

 etiquette and manners, baby shower etiquette, family time, graduation etiquette, thank you note etiquette

Soon after the arrival of the new baby, in some religions, there is a baptism to be planned. Baptism etiquette will help the new parents and Godparents know what is expected when planning the event. And for those invited, baptism gift etiquette will help guide you in what type of gift is appropriate.

 etiquette and manners, baby shower etiquette, family time, graduation etiquette, thank you note etiquette

Almost graduation time? Congratulations on this momentous day. Graduation etiquette will provide guidance on how to plan a party appropriate for the level of graduation. And who should you invite to the big day? Graduation announcement etiquette is there to show the way. If you were invited to a graduation, graduation gift etiquette will provide you guidelines for what type of gift is appropriate given your relationship and what level graduation you have been invited to.

And last, but certainly not least, DON’T FORGET THE THANK YOU NOTE!! Thank you note etiquette provides guidelines for what is expected in a thank you note.

By using etiquette and manners in these common family situations, family time will be remembered for the great times had by all and provide a structure for inviting in those new family members!

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