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is it okay to take back a gift given 18 years ago.

when my aunt passed away 18 years ago, my “close” cousin gave me one of her moms rings which i thought was really nice of her. now 18 years later, she

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aunt of the groom

The groom's mother died a few months ago. Feelings are raw and sad. But we support our nephew to marry in November because he needs and loves this woman.

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proper attire

Is a nice shirt and nice pair of shorts proper attire for a 17 year old to wear to his brother's graduation from medical school?

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Baptism Gift Etiquette: Options and selection guide

You may already be familiar with traditional baptism gift etiquette if you know the phrase "born with a silver spoon in his mouth."

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Office Etiquette: Creating a Positive Atmosphere at Work

Use office etiquette in the workplace as a guide to enhance your career.

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Dinner Invitation Etiquette: When do you notify your guest?

When preparing to ask guests to a dinner, dinner invitation etiquette comes into play.

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Formal Wedding Etiquette: Create that Black Tie Experience!

Formal wedding etiquette, as you might guess, is a little more prescribed than more casual affairs.

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Teaching Values: Additional Teaching Resources

Teaching values is one of the most important responsibilities of any parent. Here are additional books and resources to help.

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Church Etiquette: Proper Behavior at the Church

Church etiquette serves as guidance to the wedding ceremony.

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Email Etiquette: Keeping Correspondence Professional

Email etiquette has become more essential with email moving into one of the central forms of communication.

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Wedding Attire Etiquette: Appropriately dressing the part

Wedding Attire Etiquette will help you set the tone for your wedding!

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Dating Etiquette: Ensuring success

Dating etiquette is a big factor in the success or failure of a date.

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Wedding Flower Etiquette: Selection ideas

Flowers are an essential element in nearly every wedding. Wedding flower etiquette guidelines exist to help with this element of the ceremony.

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Graduation Etiquette: Getting ready for Commencement

As graduation time gets closer, you may be wondering about graduation etiquette, graduation gift etiquette, and basic etiquette and manners for the occasion.

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Good Manners for Children: Setting the basics

Teaching good manners for children is essential in heading them in the right direction in life.

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Graduation Announcement Etiquette: Letting friends and family know

When graduation time arrives, knowing graduation announcement etiquette, can help you greatly in making the proper preparations.

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Wedding Stories: Share your wedding experiences!

Every wedding is unique. Share your wedding stories and how etiquette or lack there of, had a role in the outcome.

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Funeral Flower Etiquette: Expressing your condolences

Learning funeral flower etiquette enables you to find the best, right way to express sympathy after a death.

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Wedding Party Etiquette: Expectations for this important role

Wedding party etiquette covers the do's and don'ts of how you choose and treat your wedding party.

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Positive Surroundings

“A person who keeps always his profile down-to-earth doesn't have to worry with those who surround or who to go around for he is likely to get only those

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Etiquette Books: Additional Resources

Practical Etiquette covers a broad range within the etiquette and manners sphere. Here are additional etiquette books and resources.

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Wedding Gift Etiquette: What to get that special couple

Wedding Gift Etiquette will help you find that perfect gift for the couple.

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“There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t

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Army Values: The Seven Values; Approporiate for Everyone

There are seven army values that have been part of the Army's Character Development since 1998 and create a standard for behavior for all soldiers.

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Wedding Shower Etiquette: Planning the event

Wedding Shower Etiquette will guide you as you plan the wedding shower.

Continue reading "Wedding Shower Etiquette: Planning the event"

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