Welcome to the Daily Etiquette & Respect Quotes page, where you will find a different motivational quote every day (actually, every time your refresh this page). The quotes selected cover a wide range of topics, but at the very essence of each is a point that seems so simple and obvious. More importantly, if put into action, it might make your daily life a little better, and better yet, those who encounter you a whole lot better.
The hope is that some will make you smile, perhaps even laugh. Others will make you step back and reassess something you are doing and convince you to do it better. The best quotes will put a perspective on an issue in your life that will help you come to terms with it. Despite the fact that we all enter and leave this world alone, throughout our lives, we are surrounded by those who make life most livable. Be assured that no matter what challenges we may face, someone, somewhere has faced it before, perhaps in another form, or with different moving parts, but had to come to terms with the essence of the issue. The hope for this page, is that some of these quotes will touch a nerve on that challenge and help crystallize how to be successful in answering this latest "opportunity".
If you have a quote you find inspiring, share it at the bottom of this page. |
Do you have a positive motivational quote that you find particularly inspiring? Share it! And, if you like, tell us why you find it inspiring.
Below you will find quotes from previous readers ...
Positive Surroundings Not rated yet
“A person who keeps always his profile down-to-earth doesn't have to worry with those who surround or who to go around for he is likely to get only those …
RESPECT Not rated yet
“There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t …
FORGIVENESS Not rated yet
“FORGIVING is FOR GIVING to others and if it is meant FOR GETTING to ourselves then should it not be termed as FORGETTING ourselves.”~Anuj Somany
Positive Outlook Not rated yet
"If a person finds the negative people in his network, then he needs to mind or mend his own nature than others for his basic grounding decides only the …
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