Is 30 miles too far for a baby shower?

I offered to host a baby shower for a very close friend. The problem is, I live about 30 min away from her and most of the people on her guest list. She thinks I should hold the shower at her friends house, so it would be closer to everyone. I think that it would be very awkward to host a party at someones house that I do not know. Mind you, the owner of the house will have nothing to do with the party, except offering the house. I feel that if I offer to host the party, I should be able to do it at my is not that far. When hosting a baby shower, does the host decide the location or does the mom-to-be get to decide?

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Thinking this one through ...
by: Miss P Manners

Dear Baby Shower Hostess

Let's think this one through to a practical conclusion.

The shower is for the expectant mother and her friends as a way of celebrating the coming event by marking it as a special occasion for all who are involved. If it being given for the benefit of "mom" and her friends, it would make sense to have the party close to most of the guests.

It is not improper to ask those invited to drive for 30 minutes. And the party itself will most likely be easer for you if you host it where you are comfortable and the facility is familiar to you.

Having said all that, the guest of honor should have the privilege of choosing the location. However, it is not improper for you to discuss this with her, even revealing your discomfort with the change of location. In the end, however, the location should be up to the guest of honor without making her feel guilty or embarrassed to have asked for what she wants. Either way, I am sure it will be a great success because you are doing this for someone you love.

Kind regards,

Miss Practical Manners

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