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Excessive Gift from Co-worker

by Co-worker

I received a Christmas card with two $50 gift cards from the wife of a co-worker. The co-workers wife signed one gift card from the co-worker and the other card had both of their names.
It was a nice gesture but it is excessive. We are not friends and we have had a rocky work relationship for years.

Other co-workers received the same gift cards as well.

With the past relationship we have had, I do not feel comfortable accepting the cards. The co-worker is rude and hard to work with throughout the year.

I feel that I am being bought.

I would like to return the cards with a thank you card but I would like to state I am uncomfortable accepting the cards.

Is this rude? I do not want any confusion with our relationship. I do not respect the co-worker nor do I have a desire to become friends with him. As I mentioned, there have been years of turbulence. Not to mention, it was his wife that purchased the cards and sent the cards.

Thank you.

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Gift Received
by: MS P Etiquette

Dear Nebraska worker~

I do not see a question here so it is difficult to give you an answer!! If we are discussing the etiquette of gift giving today, I'd say the gift that is given is decided by the giver. The one receiving the gift, can accept or decline the gift. In your situation, it seems everyone was treated fairly, so I do not see a problem. If you feel it is too much for your to accept, politely return the gift with a kind note explaining that you cannot accept a gift of this value from your co-worker. But think carefully before you decline. It may have difficult ramifications in the work environment.

Ms. Practical Etiquette

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