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Engagement Announcement

by Joan

My son wants to include 2 people in his wedding engagement announcement that he calls grandma & grandpa. They are not related to him but he has always thought of them as his grandparents. How does it need to be worded. It's like I need a word to go in front of the word grandparents for them. I don't want to take anything away from his real grandparents we only wanted the couple to also be recognized.

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Interesting Question
by: Ms P Etiquette

Hello Joan~

Hmmm... this is an interesting question!

You say this couple have been like grandparents to your son. Perhaps you can say just that. Instead of describing them as grandparents, call them Like Grandparents, or second set of grandparents or extra grandparents or bonus grandparents. Everyone will know what that means. I have an aunt and uncle who are not really my aunt and uncle, but I've always introduced them as relatives. When an explanation seems necessary, I explain they are childhood friends of my parents who have always been in my life. If your son feels strongly about these two, he can honor them without diminishing his relationship with his blood relatives. There is no limit to love, especially when announcing love!

Best wishes to you all.

Ms Practical Etiquette

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