Bridal Shower Etiquette

My nephew is getting married. My daughter and I were invited to the bridal shower. My daughter cannot attend due to work. I will be attending and wondered if it would be appropriate for me to bring my sons girlfriend. They have been dating for a few years and we are close.Also,she will be attending the wedding with him. Yes or No?

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by: Ms. P Etiquette

It is usually not appropriate to bring an uninvited guest to an affair for which there were invitations to individuals. If you and your daughter were invited specifically and not you and your family, bringing an uninvited guest can be construed as impolite. If you are close to your nephew, I suggest you contact the family before the shower and ask permission to bring your son's girlfriend with you. This way, you can all enjoy the happy occasion while avoiding any uneasiness. That is the hallmark of proper and practical etiquette.

Thank you for your question.

Ms. Practical Etiquette

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