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House warming gifts...

by Michael Quinn
(Houston, TX, USA)

Dear Miss Manners,

I've purchased a house warming gift for a co-worker who has been nice to me. He's a person who I consider a friend. His wife works at our ocmpany too. I wanted to present them with a house warming gift which I purchased. I'v asked a few times to let me know when it would be a good time to stop by and drop it off. It's been a while and the wife finally said, "Why don't you just bring it in to work and we'll take it home?"

I felt like returning it. Am I an old fashioned gentleman or what? I was shocked that anyone would even say that. I really would like to take it back. I really feel the gift should be about the receiver and not the giver. I was raised to invite someone over, receive the gift, show them around and if the host invites you to stay longer, then stay. A visit like that should be 10-15 minutes. Am I totally off the mark about this?


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House Warming
by: Ms P Etiquette

Dear Mike~

No, you are not off the mark. Your friends' suggestion is rude and inappropriate. It lacks the graciousness required of one when receiving a gift.

As far as returning the gift, I think you should do what makes you happy. You do not "owe" them a gift. All gift giving should be voluntary and from the heart. Follow your heart. And please do not take their behavior personally. They are simply revealing themselves by their behavior.

Thank you for caring enough to write to me.

Ms. Practical Etiquette

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