Mobile and Internet etiquette is becoming a necessity in today’s world. Millions of users are added to the internet and social media family from around the world every year. Social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, is replacing traditional modes of communication and how we interact with friends, family, business associates and even complete strangers. Just as in the "real world", personal interaction must be driven by a set of etiquette rules and guidelines to ensure you put your best foot forward.
Web sites, emails, instant messages, blogs, and chat rooms are used millions of times a day. Because this does not provide an opportunity for physical interaction, in other words, the reader of the information cannot read body language (as there is no body to read), most often, harsher than intended tone is read into the writings. Be sure that the message in courteous and professional in tone. If you fear that it will not be read that way, begin with, "Please do not read tone into this." To alert the reader that this is a question or open dialogue and not intended as an attack. Just as in the real world, a perceived attack is often met with a defensive posture. An open and comfortable dialogue cannot proceed from this type of interaction.
Cell phones are becoming part of our outfit, just like shoes or a jacket. And the simple fact that we carry a cell phone doesn’t entitle us to disturb others with our conversations or the ringing tone, especially at restaurants or theatres. Well … it can be a good source of gossip, especially when we hear business conversations from our competitors ... How would you like that? Smartphones are expanding our access to traditional in person transactions or those previously reserved for our desktop. Maintaining control and security over our personal data should be a top priority. Access to our phones must be strictly controlled, and that includes what people see, particularly in the area of bank and credit card information that can expose you to risk of great loss.
Internet etiquette is not only to show respect and consideration
towards others, but also to keep your personal or business information private. Letting others know who your target date is or who your contact for that money-maker business deal is, well, is not a good idea. Cell phones, emails, instant messages, chats, and every electronic communication can be saved and used at a later time by anyone. Careful with that ...
Blogs are also very popular and anybody can read them: your friends, your family, your co-workers, your boss… Maintain a professional image at all times. Having pictures on platforms, like Facebook, that are less than flattering or present you in a compromising light, could cost you not only a big professional opportunity, but your job and professional reputation. Employers are doing active searches on the principle social media sites to find the "real" person that has presented themselves for employment. Make sure you ask yourself, before you post that picture or are tagged in a picture, "Does this present me in the best light possible?"
Mobile and Internet etiquette takes care of you and your privacy and makes the electronic experience quite enjoyable for everybody, especially for you!
We would love to hear it! Share your experience about how good Internet etiquette (including cell phones and other electronic gadgets) has made the difference for you!
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