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Dealing with flatulence?

by Chris
(Long Island, New York, USA)

Sometimes, especially after a good meal, I feel the need to pass gas. At times it occurs before I can excuse myself from the table. Also at home, when I am tired, I can't always make it away to a more private area before the occurrence of a load retort. Is there ever a time for a little tolerance with this issue? Can't our fellow family members just leave some things alone, after the customary "Excuse me"?

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Interesting question
by: Miss P Etiquette

Hello Chris~

What an interesting question! I am certain you are not the only person who tries to deal politely with this natural bodily function. Since everyone does need to pass gas from time to time I hope you don't feel too unique.

Sometimes the dictates a "civilized" society can be very stressful and impractical. However, a simple "excuse me" is all that is required. Anyone making an issue of this is extremely impolite. It is poor form to point out the transgression or faults of others, especially after a proper response is offered. Tolerance is not even a requirement, but good manners are.

Thank you for your candid inquiry!

Miss Practical Etiquette

Passing Gas an internal problem
by: Jeannie

Interesting that this gets a lot of blog interest on the net. Its such a big problem when it comes to etiquette and yes sometimes it happens before you even know what is coming. There it is you 'farted' and the results are very obvious and sometimes repulsive to all around you.
Try this remedy if it is a continuing problem.
Ultimate Flatulence Cure

Herbal Remedies For Flatulence
by: dree man

Flatulence is a medical state in which excess pressure buildup of stomach or intestinal gas occurs which can cause excessive bloating, discomfort, uneasiness and often times leads to increased burping or even passing of gas through rectum. The longer you hold it the smellier it gets.
natural herbs clinic

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