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Your Etiquette Stories

Etiquette stories arise from both the good and bad application of etiquette and manners in our daily lives. We have made it our priority to point our visitors in the right direction regarding etiquette in several areas of life; like of weddings, office situations, traveling, and internet, to mention a few. All etiquette rules come back to a basic tenet of treating others with respect. In so doing, most times this level of respect is returned to us leading to a pleasant interaction.

We have received many stories from our visitors regarding specific situations they have experienced. Some of these stories are funny, some of them invite you to think more about others, some of them are inspirational, and some of them are sad. But most of these stories could have been the difference between a harmonious situation and a broken relationship for many people if others had an opportunity to read and understand the situation and try and avoid such a circumstance in their own lives.

So it is time to share the goods!

How would you like to share your etiquette experiences with all our visitors? Remember, in most cases, etiquette boils down to how we create and operate in a respectful environment.

Your story may be the one that saves somebody's job or somebody's friendship or somebody's love relationship.

Your story can make a big difference in somebody's life. Believe me.

So, are you up for it?

Thank you in advance for sharing!

Should you have your own etiquette questions or uncomfortable situation, don’t be afraid to ask our very own Ms Practical Etiquette. You may find your question answered there from a previous reader’s posting, or, if not, feel free to ask your question. She has helped quite a few people with some dilemmas across a broad spectrum of topics.

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