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Travel Etiquette

Travel etiquette helps us to make our traveling experience even more pleasant. We all love to travel. The thought of going to different cities, seeing different people, escaping the routine, relaxing, room service ... Exciting, huh? Here is how proper etiquette plays a role.

Let’s start with one way of traveling: airplane. I don’t know about you, but I love looking out the window and see how the sun colors the clouds and the sky. Amazing view! But in order to enjoy that view and all the activities waiting for you within the following days, you have to be prepared, from the moment you pack to the moment you travel etiquette, business etiquette tips, polite manners, proper manners leave the plane. Airplane etiquette tells you how to pack, what documentation you need, how to behave as you wait to board, inside the plane, and right before you leave the plane.

And what about cruises? Wonderful! Whether you cruise the Caribbean or the Mediterranean, cruise etiquette gives you the basics in attention and consideration to your fellow passengers. Sharing the same space with hundreds or thousands of people during several days requires basic courtesy to make your cruise a real dream...!

Traveling by car? Oh, that’s exciting too! You get to see the scenery, stop and take pictures if you want, and have a great time with your companions. Car etiquette gives you some guidelines to make your road trip very enjoyable, whether you travel with friends or with your family.

Do you like traveling on the ground but not the driving part? Traveling by train is very relaxing. You can see the scenery, read, sleep, and have a wonderful and peaceful time. Train etiquette gives you the basics to make your train trip a very pleasant experience.

So, pack your bags!

Oh, and don’t forget your camera!

travel etiquette, business etiquette tips, polite manners, proper manners

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