Proper To Invite Divorced Neice To Christening

by sammy
(new jersey)

My sisters son was recently divorced a few months ago after an 8 year marriage. My daughter was friendly with our nephews wife, and had invited both my nephew and his ex-wife to our new grandson's christening..... My sister was upset to see that my daughter had invited her ex daughter in law to the party, and stormed out.... Did my daughter do the right thing inviting her, and should my sister have simply moved on and stayed at the party by staying at the other end of a large reception hall... (Separation was 6 months ago, and final divorce settlement was 2 weeks ago)...We like and respect both my nephew and his ex.....and would like to stay friendly with both....

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by: Ms P Etiquette

Hello Sammy,

Your sister's behavior was rude and childish. Apparently the couple involved did not find this awkward. What a shame she felt the need to act out in this way at such a precious event.

Your daughter's invitation to her friend, who happens to be her cousin's former wife, is appropriate as well as adult.

I hope this helps your family get past any upset caused by your sister.

Ms Practical Etiquette

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