wording on an invitation

by margo Jill
(Prescott, AZ.. USA)

I received an invitation from two hostesses. The wording was; "join us" in celebrating a birthday.
We'll meet at a restaurant (for a meal) followed by a movie at a theater, because this is what the birthday girl likes to do best.

My question is : Will everyone be paying for themselvesl ,or, are the hostesses paying ? They're asking for an RSVP and the birthday girl made party favors to hand out so I know a gift is expected.

Please help.

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Party Invitation
by: Ms P Etiquette

Dear Margo Jill

If I had to guess, I would say you are going to be asked to pay your own way. However, the invitation is certainly outside the norm. You have some options. You can ask about this when you make your RSVP call, which I recommend or you can just wait and see. If your decision to attend is dependent upon knowing, then you have a trickier situation.

The invitation does not follow any rules of etiquette, making a clear plan of action difficult for you. I wish you good luck resolving this one if you cannot use options one or two.

Whatever you decide, remember that proper etiquette requires you to be cordial and pleasant, avoiding causing any embarrassment to anyone involved.

Ms Practical Etiquette

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