what is proper protocol for me to extend to my sister in-law on the death of her mother

by Cal
(Naples, Fl., U.S.A.)

My sister in-law's mother just passed away. She did not contact me, but did my father and he told me.

We, she and I, are not close but not unfriendly, just busy with our own lives, but do live in the same town.

My sister in-law is only tied to my family by her daughter, my niece, as my bother died some 10+ years ago, and she remarried about 8 years ago.

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Sympathy Etiquette
by: Ms P Etiquette


When a friend or relative dies, it is compassionate to reach out to those most seriously affected. If you are not comfortable calling your sister-in-law directly, please send her a kind, personal note letting her know you are sorry for her loss and offer to help in any capacity you can. If there is a funeral or memorial service and your father is attending, accompanying him would be appropriate. Of course you may go on your own if you feel your presence will be appreciated.

Human kindness is always proper etiquette!

Ms Practical Etiquette

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