Women! You are already pretty!

by David
(New York)

If we date you it's because we like you.

So, why do women have to take HOURS to get ready?

And if they know they take that long, why don't they start early to be ready on time?

Here I am, driving for 30 minutes to pick her up to go to the theater, and she was not ready!

I had to wait about half an hour for her! Of course, we missed the first part of the show!

We've been dating for a month. I have an active social life and that aspect of her really bothers me. I've talked to her but I feel she doesn't care. She said it's part of being a woman, which is complete nonsense.

I think she is very insecure. A woman with no self-confidence loses all her beauty and magnetism.

I can't have a relationship with someone who doesn't respect other people's time due to her insecurities.

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Apr 30, 2020
late for a date
by: Anonymous

I'd pick her up half an hour late and tell her it's just part of being a guy. Just kidding, I would tell her (not ASK her, TELL her) that you expect her to be ready when you pick her up. If taking forever to get ready is something she does, then she can always start earlier like you stated. Is she half an hour late for work too? I only wear makeup for special occasions and I'm usually in jeans and sweaters. I've been chastised by men for not "taking the time to look good" for them and they don't feel special, think I look sloppy, don't feel "motivated" to "show me off" to their friends. They promptly got dumped. Sounds like the girl you're dating is on the other side of the spectrum. If you're used to putting on makeup, there's no reason it should take that long. If I have a date, I make it a point to sh ower/shave the night BEFORE so that when I get ready, all I have to do is put on fitted clothes, cute shoes, a cute scarf, maybe a nice bracelet, and some light makeup. I took the time to match and accessorize but I'm not going stupid-overboard and wasting time. The point of a date is to spend time with the person anyway. That's why my favorite dates are baseball games, hockey games, tours through metro-parks and the like - you don't HAVE to dress up and it's cost-saving

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