Invitation Wording Etiquette

Wedding invitation wording etiquette may seem complex, but it’s not difficult once you have a few tips. The main thing to remember is that the invitation your guests receive is the first real peak they have at your plans for the wedding. As a result, every part of this document from the paper to addressing the wedding invitation, should reflect the style of your celebration and the overall ambiance you’re creating.

Once you’ve settled on the type of paper desired, the next step is the wording. Your invitation should include some specific information including who is the host or hostess for the ceremony, whether it’s a formal or casual event, and the time, date and location of the wedding and reception. In addition, include important details that affect your guests. For example, if you’re only offering cake at the reception your guests will likely want to eat before they arrive. Or, if the reception is outdoors that’s going to change what guests wear.

 invitation wording etiquette, addressing wedding invitation etiquette,  wedding etiquette

Now for the actual wording for all this information. Invitation wording etiquette depends heavily on traditional language to create a formal feel. Customary wording spells out the date and times on the invitation (including the year), often uses the Queen’s English (British) spelling for words like “honour”, and avoids contractions and punctuation except for a period after abbreviations and commas after the day or week. Most often only the church name appears (without an address) unless there are several similarly named churches in the area. Finally, an announcement card for the reception includes the timing and location.

When assembling and addressing the cards, find some way to personalize it. Take a moment to put, Dear _____, at the top of the card. It’s a small touch that makes the recipient feel more welcoming. In terms of addressing the envelopes, invitation wording etiquette dictates that all titles should be spelled out, like Doctor instead of Dr. A married couple’s card reads Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith.

 invitation wording etiquette, addressing wedding invitation etiquette,  wedding etiquette

For unmarried couples cohabitating, put their names on the envelope in alphabetical order. Always use Miss instead of Ms. for single female guests. If the individual can bring a date, write Miss X and Guest on the inner envelope. Similarly if children are welcome, put their first names on the inside envelope under the parents name.

Take your time, checking spelling and addresses. There is nothing worse than misspelling a guest’s name on an invitation. Making the address tidy is also a formal touch that’s noticeable and makes your invitation feel all the more special.

Sources for Wedding Invitations

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